How to hide & show Jetpack Compose BottomNavigation when navigating to New Screen in Android App.

Lukoh Nam
3 min readMar 6, 2023


Hiding the bottom bar (BottomNavigation) allows the content to use the entire display space to provide a more immersive user experience.

Profiler Capture Image
Profiler Capture Image

Here is how to show & hide BottomNavigation when navigating to New Screen to do it.

You might have the bottom bar (BottomNavigation) that you intend to show in some screen of your app while hiding them in others.

NavController offers an OnDestinationChangedListener interface that is called when the NavController’s current destination or its arguments change. A new listener can be registered via the addOnDestinationChangedListener() method. Note that when calling addOnDestinationChangedListener(), if the current destination exists, it’s immediately sent to your listener.

NavigationUI uses OnDestinationChangedListener to make these common UI components navigation-aware. Note, however, that you can also use OnDestinationChangedListener on its own to make any custom UI or business logic aware of navigation events.

Using the NavHostController class’s OnDestinationChangedListener , you can selectively show or hide these UI screens depending on the target audience.

Don’t use AnimatedVisibility to prevent screen jumping on hiding the bottom
bar (BottomNavigation).

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