LUKSO BUILD 🆙 #1 Hackathon: Meet the Winners!

Announcing the winners of LUKSO’s biggest hackathon to date

LUKSO’s BUILD UP! #1 hackathon has officially ended and we are thrilled with the response and incredible projects that were submitted. The 6-week hackathon was launched to help developers around the world to discover Universal Profiles and the LUKSO Standard Proposals (LSPs), as well as our developer tools and libraries. These new standards enabled participants to build a variety of applications that could simply not be built before with such ease!

The hackathon offered $500k in prizes across 11 bounties which were divided into five broad project categories: Universal Profiles Tools, Social & DAOs, Fashion, Art, Music & Entertainment (FAME), Multiverse & Gaming and Blue Sky.

With over 500 signups, 74 project submissions, and 10 hours of live educational content created for participants, the hackathon empowered both novice and experienced developers to build the next generation of dApps on Universal Profiles.

Thanks to all the participants, judges, and community members who made the LUKSO BUILD UP! #1 hackathon a great success.

The Winners

Transaction Relayer Services (Universal Profile Tools)

🥇 1st Place: LUKSO Relayer Service

LUKSO Relayer Service enables customers to leverage a staking pool to pay for transaction fees on a blockchain.

Demo Video | Demo Link | GitHub Repo

🥈 2nd Place: Gateway Relay Service

Gateway Relay Service is an easy-to-use, low-barrier-to-entry transaction relay service for the LUKSO blockchain. A user’s ability to send relay transactions is measured in Gateway Credits, which can be earned in a variety of ways.

Demo Video | Demo Link | GitHub Repo

🥉 3rd Place: Baton

Baton is a relayer that provides users with an easy onboarding experience to the LUKSO network by offering them gas free transactions. All Universal Profiles that sign up will be given a free monthly gas quota which can be increased by signing up to a basic or premium plan managed through a subscription via stripe.

Demo Video | GitHub Repo

Token & NFT Wallet with Vault Manager (Universal Profile Tools)

🥇 1st Place: Marble Wallet

Marble is a LUKSO-native wallet built for users with Universal Profiles to manage their tokens and vaults with ease.

Demo Video | Demo Link | GitHub Repo

🥈 2nd Place: LUX Wallet

LUX is a wallet extension for the LUKSO Network.

Demo Video | GitHub Repo

🥉 3rd Place: Walu

Wallet App & Vault Manager for managing assets and vaults on the LUKSO Blockchain.

Demo Video | Demo Link | GitHub Repo

Social Recovery Tool (Universal Profile Tools)

🥇 1st Place: allows users to regain access to their Universal Profiles after losing access. A user can add guardians and authenticate themselves with 2FA, social logins or biometric login.

Demo Video | Demo Link | GitHub Repo

🥈 2nd Place: Lumukso

Lumukso is a multifactor social recovery app made for LUKSO’s Universal Profiles. The application utilizes external key managers such as and to help users recover their access using SSO.

Demo Video | Demo Link | GitHub Repo

🥉 3rd Place: Angel

Angel is a robust and user-friendly social recovery tool built for the LUKSO ecosystem based on the LSP11 Basic Social Recovery standard. It helps users create and manage an LSP11 contract all through the LUKSO browser extension.

Demo Video | Demo Link | GitHub Repo

Open Category (Universal Profile Tools)

🥇 1st Place: HoloView

HoloView is a mobile application for Android and IOS that allows users to view all LSP8 Identifiable Digital Asset based assets stored under a Universal Profile in AR. This application acts as a personal AR NFT gallery creator that gives the user more tangible ways to enjoy and show off their NFT collection.

Demo Video | GitHub Repo

🥈 2nd Place: museboard

museboard is a visual social engine to discover NFTs and organize them into self-curated mood boards regardless of NFT ownership. You do not need to own NFTs to connect your LUKSO wallet and start curating your own boards.

Demo Video | GitHub Repo

🥉 3rd Place: PowerUP

PowerUP is a library that empowers the use of LUKSO’s Universal Profiles for the development of dApps. PowerUP takes care of the entire ERC-725 serialization / deserialization process, abstracting all the steps that guarantee the LUKSO standard.

Demo Video | GitHub Repo

Social & DAOs — Open Category

🥇 1st Place: LuksOracle

LuksOracle brings Twitter to LUKSO with ChainLink Oracle Services.

Demo Video | Demo Link | GitHub Repo

🥈 2nd Place: Lukso Reader

Lukso Reader brings together the power of LUKSO, ERC725Y and RSS feeds to make a simple, decentralized, and clean RSS reader.

Demo Video | Demo Link | GitHub Repo

🥉 3rd Place: dapUP

dapUP is a social dApp that allows following other Universal Profiles and helps users verify that they are following the right ones.

Demo Video | GitHub Repo

Chat DApp (Social & DAOs)

Unfortunately none of the projects that were submitted to this bounty met our requirements enough for a 1st or 2nd prize (e.g. using encryption and signed messages with public keys stored in the Universal Profiles). However, we awarded a 3rd prize to Bitvia because they made a more extensive application that integrated ideas of token gated communities and DAO mechanisms which deserved a prize for.

🥉 3rd Place: Bitvia

Bitvia offers a new way for creators, brands and influencers to exchange messages, tokens and NFTs via a decentralized chat application.

Demo Video | GitHub Repo

Social Media Feed (Social & DAOs)

🥇 1st Place: LOOKSO

LOOKSO is a Universal Profile based social media feed where users post messages and interact. It combines user-generated content with a digest of relevant events emitted by Universal Profile contracts on the blockchain.

Demo Video | Demo Link | GitHub Repo

🥈 2nd Place: El Diario

El Diario is a decentralized social media feed powered by the LUKSO blockchain.

Demo Video | Demo Link | GitHub Repo

🥉 3rd Place: Feedhead

Feedhead is an NFT media feed: think wordpress,, and tumblr in an NFT. Not only that, it is consumable as an RSS feed, making it compatible with the existing web2.0 infrastructure that delivers media to all channels today.

Demo Video | Demo Link | GitHub Repo

DAO Voting Key Manager for UP based DAO and Interface (Social & DAOs)

The team saw especially strong submissions in this bounty and thus two 3rd place prizes were awarded to projects in this category.

🥇 1st Place: DUP

DUP integrated open-zepplin contracts and made them compatible with LUKSO’s LSPs.

Demo Video | GitHub Repo

🥈 2nd Place: KEEZ Protocol

KEEZ Protocol allows individuals to create a DAO using a Universal Profile. Through the smart contract based tools provided by LUKSO, the team reinvents how DAOs onboard members, participate in governance, and manage their operations.

Demo Video | Demo Link | GitHub Repo

🥉 3rd Place: DaoManager

DaoManager allows for proposals and voting to securely take place within a Universal Profile. By leveraging methods in LSP7 Digital Asset, DaoManager also has the ability for weighted votes at the same time solving the double voting problem.

Demo Video | GitHub Repo

🥉 3rd Place: DAO Voting Manager

DAO Voting Manager provides an on-chain voting mechanism equivalent of LSP6 Key Manager for DAOs. It’s built on top of the Universal Profile — used for holding DAO assets. For governance each DAO Voting Manager contract uses its own token compliant with LSP7 Digital Asset.

Demo Video | Demo Link | GitHub Repo

Fashion, Art, Music & Entertainment (F.A.M.E) — Open Category

🥇 1st Place: UP.TURN

The UP.TURN concept creates a new pathway for artists to capitalize on their catalog of digital assets.

Demo Video | Demo Link | GitHub Repo

🥈 2nd Place: Endless

The Endless Ring is a peak into the future of fashion. Endless is a physical piece of jewelry that holds your voice and has metaverse representations and can be read by any smartphone.

Demo Video | Demo Link | GitHub Repo

🥉 3rd Place: LuksoGift

LuksoGift is an event manager that can create an auction charity event with a deadline and wallet address.

Demo Video | Demo Link | GitHub Repo

Multiverse & Gaming — Open Category

While this bounty had strong candidates for the 2nd and 3rd prize, unfortunately we couldn’t give a 1st prize.

🥈 2nd Place: UnityLuksoProfile

The project allows you to embed a web3 wallet in unity games and create a LUKSO profile.

Demo Video | GitHub Repo

🥉 3rd Place: Lukso Phaser Plugin

This is a plugin for the popular HTML5 gaming framework Phaser. It enables users to login with Universal Profiles and display their profiles within the games.

GitHub Repo

Blue Sky — Open Category

While this bounty had strong candidates for the 2nd and 3rd prize, unfortunately we couldn’t give a 1st prize.

🥈 2nd Place: LUKSense

LUKSense is a platform for buying, selling, and tracking licenses. Enriched with innovative features, LUKSense offers an all-in-one solution for license management.

Demo Video | Demo Link | GitHub Repo

🥉 3rd Place: WordUP! Login

WordUP! Login created a WordPress login plugin for Universal Profiles.

Demo Video | Demo Link | GitHub Repo

Community Choice Awards

After some energetic voting on RadicalxChange, we are happy to share the top 5 projects selected by our community for the Community Choice Awards.

The Community Choice Awards went to LOOKSO, WordUP! Login, KEEZ Protocol, and museboard.

Congratulations again to all the hackers and winners!

For more information on the LUKSO BUILD UP! #1 Hackathon, please see the official GitHub README.

If you’re new to LUKSO, we welcome you to build with us! Read the Docs and stay tuned to our Discord and Twitter.

Until next time! 🛠 🖖

And thank you for being part of this journey!🙏 🥳

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