Step-by-Step Guide to Getting an SSL/TLS Certificate.

6 min readJun 27, 2024


This is Some of those actual Job Interviews that troubled me… Proceed with caution !

I faced it once and from that day i could not get it out of my head so i decided may be if i write about it may be i will be finally at peace with my spirit …

An SSL/TLS certificate is a digital certificate that authenticates the identity of a website and enables an encrypted connection.

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and TLS (Transport Layer Security) are protocols that provide secure communication over a computer network.

“ Although TLS has largely replaced SSL, the term SSL is still commonly used to refer to both protocols. “

Quick Run down on what i should have answered (6 pts)…

1. Determining the Type of Certificate Needed

2. Select a Certificate Authority (CA)

3. Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

4. Submit the CSR to the CA

5. Receive the SSL/TLS Certificate

6. Install the SSL/TLS Certificate on Your Server

7. Test the SSL/TLS Certificate

1. Determining the Type of Certificate Needed

  • Single Domain: Secures one fully qualified domain name (e.g.,
  • Wildcard: Secures one domain and all its subdomains (e.g., *
  • Multi-Domain (SAN): Secures multiple domain names with a single certificate (e.g.,,

2. Select a Certificate Authority (CA)

Choose a reputable CA from which to purchase the certificate.

Popular CAs include:

  • Let’s Encrypt (offers free SSL certificates)
  • Comodo
  • DigiCert
  • GlobalSign
  • Symantec

3. Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

Generate a CSR on your server.

This includes creating a public/private key pair.

The private key remains( for Decryption ) on the server, while the CSR

containing the public key( for Encryption ) is sent to the CA.

On a Linux/Unix Server:

  1. OpenSSL: Use OpenSSL to generate the CSR:
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout yourdomain.key -out yourdomain.csr

Follow the Prompts: Enter the required information:

  • Country Name (2 letter code)
  • State or Province Name (full name)
  • Locality Name (e.g., city)
  • Organization Name (e.g., company name)
  • Organizational Unit Name (e.g., department)
  • Common Name (e.g., the domain name)

On a Windows Server:

  1. IIS Manager: Use the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager to generate the CSR.
  • Open IIS Manager.
  • Select the server name in the Connections panel.
  • Double-click “Server Certificates” in the middle panel.
  • Click “Create Certificate Request” in the Actions panel.
  • Follow the prompts to enter the required information.
  • Save the CSR file.

4. Submit the CSR to the CA

  • Submit CSR( Certificate Signing Request):

Go to the CA’s website and follow their instructions to submit the CSR.

“ You will also need to provide information about your organization. “

  • Validation: The CA will validate your domain and organization.

This might involve:

  • Email validation
  • File-based validation (uploading a file to your web server)
  • DNS-based validation (adding a DNS record)

5. Receive the SSL/TLS Certificate

After validation, the CA( Certificate Authority ) will issue the SSL/TLS certificate.

You will receive the certificate files, usually including:

  • The primary certificate (e.g., yourdomain.crt)
  • Intermediate certificates (e.g., intermediate.crt or bundle.crt)

6. Install the SSL/TLS Certificate on Your Server

The installation process varies depending on your server software.


Upload Certificates:

Upload the certificate files to your server.

Configure Apache:

  • Open the Apache configuration file for your site (e.g., yourdomain.conf).
  • Add the following directives:
SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile /path/to/yourdomain.crt 
SSLCertificateKeyFile /path/to/yourdomain.key
SSLCertificateChainFile /path/to/intermediate.crt

Restart Apache:

sudo service apache2 restart


Upload Certificates:

Upload the certificate files to your server.

Configure Nginx:

  • Open the Nginx configuration file for your site (e.g., yourdomain.conf).
  • Add the following directives:
server {     
listen 443 ssl;

ssl_certificate /path/to/yourdomain.crt;
ssl_certificate_key /path/to/yourdomain.key;
ssl_trusted_certificate /path/to/intermediate.crt;



Restart Nginx:

sudo service nginx restart

Windows Server (IIS):

Complete Certificate Request:

  • Open IIS Manager.
  • Select the server name in the Connections panel.
  • Double-click “Server Certificates”.
  • Click “Complete Certificate Request” in the Actions panel.
  • Follow the prompts to import the certificate file.

Assign Certificate:

  • Bind the certificate to the appropriate site:
  • Select the site from the Connections panel.
  • Click “Bindings” in the Actions panel.
  • Add or edit an HTTPS binding and select the imported certificate.

7. Test the SSL/TLS Certificate

Use online tools to verify the installation and configuration of your SSL/TLS certificate:

By following these steps, you can successfully obtain and install an SSL/TLS certificate to secure your website or other services.

Key Components of an SSL/TLS Certificate:

Domain Validation:

The certificate verifies that the holder owns or controls the domain.

Organizational Information (optional):

Certificates can include information about the organization, such as its name and address, especially in Extended Validation (EV) certificates.

Public Key:

The certificate contains a public key that is used to establish secure communication.


The certificate is digitally signed by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA) to ensure its authenticity.

Types of SSL/TLS Certificates:

Domain Validated (DV) Certificates

Basic level of validation:

The CA only checks that the applicant owns the domain.

Organization Validated (OV) Certificates:

Higher level of validation. The CA checks the applicant’s organization as well as domain ownership.

Extended Validation (EV) Certificates:

The highest level of validation:

The CA conducts a thorough examination of the organization. EV certificates activate the green address bar in some browsers, displaying the organization’s name.

Wildcard Certificates:

Secure a domain and all its subdomains (e.g., *

Multi-Domain (SAN) Certificates:

Secure multiple domain names with a single certificate.

How SSL/TLS Certificates Work:

Handshake Process:

When a browser connects to a website, the SSL/TLS handshake process begins.

This process involves several steps:

The browser requests a secure connection by sending a “ClientHello” message.

The server responds with a “ServerHello” message, including the server’s SSL/TLS certificate.

The browser verifies the certificate’s authenticity, typically using the CA’s public key.

If the certificate is valid, the browser generates a session key, encrypts it with the server’s public key, and sends it back to the server.

The server decrypts the session key using its private key.

“ Both the browser and the server use the session key to encrypt and decrypt all subsequent communications. “


“ SSL/TLS certificates use asymmetric encryption for the initial handshake and symmetric encryption for the data exchange. “

Asymmetric encryption involves a public and private key pair.

The public key encrypts data,


the private key decrypts it.

“ Symmetric encryption uses a single session key for both encryption and decryption, which is faster and more efficient for ongoing data exchange. “

Benefits of SSL/TLS Certificates:


SSL/TLS certificates encrypt data transmitted between the client and server, protecting it from eavesdroppers and man-in-the-middle attacks.


Certificates authenticate the identity of the website, ensuring users that they are connecting to the legitimate site.


Browsers display visual indicators (e.g., padlock icon, green address bar) when a site uses a valid SSL/TLS certificate, which can increase user trust.

SEO Benefits:

Search engines like Google give a ranking boost to secure websites, potentially improving their visibility in search results.


SSL/TLS certificates are required for compliance with various data protection regulations, such as PCI-DSS for online payments.

The High Judge Has come to a Conclusion:

What i answered and what i missed out is behind me NOW !!!…

Though an SSL/TLS certificate is essential for establishing secure, authenticated, and encrypted communication between a web server and a client.

It ensures that data transmitted over the internet is protected from interception and tampering, fostering trust and security for users( People ).

Have a Nice One Everyone …!!!




Funny man, Tech Guy(like really techy), Writer, Artist, Business Analyst, Chef, Coffee hater ;( " Reading is a Meditation Practice, A way to detox your Brain. "