Navigating the World of Design Patterns: Understanding the Categories



Last time, we compared design patterns to pizza recipes to show how they help in building software. Now, let’s dive deeper into the types of design patterns and see how they apply in real-world situations.

If you’re new here, start with our introduction to design patterns to build a solid foundation.

Quick Recap: What are Design Patterns Again?

Think back to our pizza story. Design patterns are like those recipes, but for solving common problems in software design.

The Start of Software Design Patterns

In 1994, a book by the “Gang of Four” — Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides — introduced design patterns to the world. This book has become a key resource in software design.

Exploring the Types of Design Patterns

Design patterns are sorted into three main categories, each helping with a different part of software design:

1) Creational Patterns: Simplifying Object Creation (Making New Things)

  • These patterns help in creating new parts of a software system. They make sure that creating these parts is easy and doesn’t mess up the rest of the system.
  • Real-World Example:
  • Think of a cafe that can only have one coffee machine working at any time to avoid confusion. The Singleton pattern ensures there’s only one coffee machine in use, just like ensuring only one instance of a class exists in software.
  • Remember This: If you’re facing issues creating new objects in your software, Creational patterns are where you should look for solutions.

2) Structural Patterns: Efficiently Organizing Software Components (Putting Things Together)

  • Structural patterns help organize different parts of a system so they work well together.
  • Real-World Example:
  • Consider you have different types of power cables for devices but one power source. An Adapter pattern acts like a universal adapter, letting all cables connect to the power source, just like it allows different parts of software to work together.
  • Remember This: When you need to fit different software parts together, think of Structural patterns.

3) Behavioral Patterns: Enhancing Communication in Software (Getting Parts to Work Together)

  • Behavioral patterns manage how different parts of the software interact and communicate.
  • Real-World Example:
  • Imagine a WhatsApp group notification; whenever a new message arrives, everyone gets notified. The Observer pattern in software works similarly by notifying parts of the system when something changes.
  • Remember This: If your software’s parts need better communication or coordination, look into Behavioral patterns.


Understanding the different types of design patterns helps us build software that’s not just good but also easy to update and maintain.

Explore More Patterns

For more insights and detailed discussions on other design patterns, visit our series landing page. Whether you’re looking to solve specific design challenges or enhance your overall software architecture, our series offers a wealth of information. Discover the full series here.

What’s Next?

Stay tuned as we’ll explore individual design patterns in our upcoming articles, making these concepts as easy to understand as everyday stories.

Got any thoughts or questions about design patterns? Drop them in the comments! Let’s make software design easy and fun to learn for everyone.

