

A psychological thriller. A dark and mysterious tale.

A house full of memories, a house full of history. Stories left untold, pages left unread and shadows you close your eyes to and try to ignore.

May wants a new start, she wants to get away, start over again. She wants to leave the recent past behind.
Sometimes to take a step forward, you have to take a step back, start at the beginning. Back to those childhood memories, that haunt you. For May that means going back to her family home, back to December. A house she hasn’t seen for a very long time, only in her nightmares that she tries to forget. Is she making a mistake?

Sometimes, just sometimes some things are best left in the past and forgotten!

Everyone has a history, everyone has a past, and sometimes people have secrets and some secrets are best not shared. Sometimes!
And sometimes, there are secrets that you really don’t want to know!

There’s a lingering smell of something familiar and once forgotten. A house neglected. A garden that you thought had been forgotten. A stream with memories that you want to forget.

And there’s the ringing of a phone that can’t be found. Windows that break, doors that open.
Things aren’t as they should be. And of course, there are the shadows!

Be careful of the shadows! Be careful who you trust! Just be careful!

Shadows By The Stream. A suspenseful and mysterious thriller.



Roberta Huckle, An English Author of thrillers.

I am an English Author of psychological thrillers and a little bit more. Living in a beautiful part of Normandy France.