How Do Drone Light Shows Work?

Lumasky Drone Show
4 min readMay 13, 2024


Drones have become the top choice for each and any spectacular stunt. These shows are known for their programmed choreography and 3D animations. Inspired by traditional fireworks they combine futuristic elements like lasers and computer graphics to create various images and logos.

Every aspect of these performances will showcase human creativity and technical achievement.

From the organization of hundreds or thousands of drones to the precision and timing of the lighting.

The drone technology behind these stunning effects is examined in greater detail in this article.

What Is a Drone Show?

Drone light show is basically a display where unmanned mini helicopters are flying in the night sky creating different shapes. Each drone follows the programmed flight paths. The process is controlled by specific coordination systems and the most modern software. However even though it sounds a little bit scary, when the aerial animation is made, all the safety precautions are strictly followed.

The first drone show was a big step on the long path of technological development. It took place in 2012 in Austria. Since then choreographed displays have become really popular all around the world. Drones used for a variety of creative purposes. Let’s take for example Lumasky Drone Light Shows that operates everywhere from weddings to F1 Grand Prix. This company has so much to offer, it can make a captivating synchronized performance during any event: from advertising and selling products and services for a wider audience to festivals, concerts and even weddings.

Drone Performance

1. Preparation. A team of experts together writes a well-planned show script, decides on the content, the design, the number and type of drones to use and then chooses the music and lighting. While planning the experts must search for information about the weather conditions and perfect location ensuring the drones will take off, fly and ground smoothly.

2. Approval. The staff gets all the permission they need from the local authorities to perform the event and set the date and location for the performance.

3. Launch. After the last essential checks have been completed, including battery levels and flight paths coordination, the program gives the command and a number of drones launch into the skies, ready to impress their audiences with a powerful display of formation movement.

4. Monitoring. Experts watch the drones’ actions and make necessary adjustments.

5. Completion. Once the event ends, the drone lands and the team completes their final tasks, such as disassembling the equipment and cleaning up the area, before departing.

How Much Does It Cost

Drone lights used to cost a considerable sum, like any other new technology. But as drone-powered services have become more popular, the prices have come down. It’s like how smartphones and computers get cheaper over time.

There are several important factors that affect the price. The first one is how many drones you want to have at a show. It’s more expensive if you have a lot, like 5,000, compared to just a few, say 500.

And the second one is how customized the show should be. Tailoring the show to specific themes or patterns for your event adds to the expense.

We have different pricing plans for drone events, and the costs can vary a lot depending on how epic you want the experience to be. Usually, prices are between $100K and $500K, or more.

Eco-friendly Choice

There are a number of good reasons why drone shows are environmentally friendly.

1. Zero noise pollution. The events take place in open spaces, away from homes and other noisy areas.

2. Zero air pollution. Environmentally friendly LED lights are used which do not emit any harmful substances.

3. Environmentally safe. Drone shows do not use fuel and therefore do not emit toxic substances into the atmosphere.

4. Flight control capability. The drone show is supervised by experts to ensure that the drone does not collide with obstacles and endanger the environment.

5. Drones with precise positioning systems. The drone can automatically adjust its position in space using these systems, reducing the risk of crashing into obstacles.

Overall, drone displays are a safe and environmentally friendly form of entertainment that does not harm the environment.

Will Drones Replace Fireworks?

People love old-fashioned fireworks, especially on holidays like Independence Day and New Year. There is something primitive and exciting about fireworks lighting up the night sky. They are no match for drones. Obviously, fireworks have a nostalgic appeal. The smell of gunpowder, the sounds of explosions and the awe-inspiring displays are all part of the fun.

Drones give us a whole new level of precision and artistic freedom. They can create really complex patterns, write words and choreograph really complex movements. They are able to create visual effects that are not possible with traditional fireworks and there is much less risk of accidents and damage to the environment.

However, will drones replace fireworks? We can’t say for sure. That is said, drones are making some big impact on the entertainment industry the world has never seen before. They’re a sophisticated, high-tech version of fireworks. And that’s a great option for urban events with fire risks and noise concerns.

