Flutter & Firebase App Tutorial — Part 9 loading Spinkit and theme & layout

Jumei Lin
5 min readNov 6, 2021


Create a flutter authenticate app in 10 mins by using firebase as the back-end. You will learn to create a fancy Flutter app and show a loading animation while waiting for Firebase’s response.

Flutter tutorial for beginners step by step using Firebase — Lumei Digital
Flutter tutorial for beginners step by step using Firebase — Lumei Digital

More Tutorials:

Table of Contents

  • Loading
  • Theme & Layout

Step 1️⃣: Loading animation

✅ Install a package: flutter_spinkit: ^5.1.0in the pubspec.yaml

✅ Create a new file called loading.dartunder the folder shared

Flutter loading animation — Lumei Digital
Flutter loading animation — Lumei Digital

✅Show the loading Spinkit if it takes a long time to get a response from the Firebase

import 'package:firebase/shared/loading.dart';bool loading = false;return loading ? Loading() : Scaffold();

Step 1.1 Declare a bool property loadingand set its default value as false.

Step 1.2 If loadingis false , then we show the Scaffoldwidget. Whereas, if loadingis true , then we show the Loadingwidget.

Step 1.3 Change the value of the loadingproperty to truewhen clicking the “Sign In” button.

Flutter loading animation — Lumei Digital
Flutter loading animation — Lumei Digital

In our Loadingwidget, we use SquareCircleas the loading Spinkit. Visit flutter_spinkit to see more showcases.

flutter_spinkit — Lumei Digital
flutter_spinkit — Lumei Digital

Step 2️⃣: Theme and layout

UI is everything for a mobile App. Today I will briefly explain the layout used in the app. You can see more layouts through this link.

➡️ MaterialApp: Using MaterialAppas the root widget. The MaterialAppacts as a wrapper for the rest of our app and it lets you design the UI by using a standard Material library.

Material is a visual design language that is standard on mobile and the web. Flutter offers a rich set of Material widgets.

Inside the MaterialApp,thehomeproperty specifies the Texton the Home screen when loading the app.

The main()method uses => for one-line functions or methods.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() => runApp(MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Welcome to Flutter',
home: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('Welcome to Lumei Digital'),
body: const Center(
child: Text('Hello World'),

A widget’s main job is to provide a build()method that describes how to display a wedget or a screen.

➡️ Theme:

We use a theme to share colors and fonts throughout an app. If you do not provide a theme, Flutter creates a deafult theme for you.

Other than using the default theme, you can extend the parent theme by using thecopyWith().

"Sign In",
style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline5!.copyWith(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, color: LumeiColors.primary),

After defining a theme, use it within the widget’s build()methods by using the Theme.of(content)method.

The Theme.of(context) method looks up the widget tree and returns the nearest Theme in the tree. If you have a standalone Theme defined above your widget, that’s returned. If not, the app’s theme is returned.

➡️ Scaffold: Using Scaffoldwidget from the Material library to implement a basic layout such as a appBaron the top, background color, floating action buttons, and more. It holds the widget tree for the home screen.

all built-in Flutter widgets start with a capital latter

home: Scaffold(
//a appBar property, the value of the property is AppBar widget
appBar: AppBar(),

➡️ Standard widgets:

Stack: overlaps a widget on top of another. Often it’s used to arrange an image on top of a base widget.

️✅ Container: allows you to customize its child widget and add padding, margins, borders, background color, other decorations, and more.

ListView: displays widgets as a scrollable list.

GridView: displays widgets as a scrollable grid.

fit: StackFit.loose,
children : [
width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width,
height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height,
color: LumeiColors.primary,
child: SvgPicture.asset(
fit: BoxFit.cover,
allowDrawingOutsideViewBox: true,
matchTextDirection: true,

We use Stackso we can have an svg as a background image.

The difference between MediaQuery and double.infinity

MediaQuery: It’s used when you want the widget as big as the screen

double.infinity: It’s used when you want the widget as big as the parent widget

➡️ Colors:

Colors are important to your UI.

We add a property to the AppBarcalled backgroundColorand the value of it would be a material design color. We have full access to Material Design color palettes in the flutter app. In this example, we give the AppBara blue color with a strength of 600.

ctrl + Q in VS code to see different strength of blue

backgroundColor: Colors.blue[600]
Flutter tutorial for beginners step by step using Firebase — Lumei Digital
Flutter tutorial for beginners step by step using Firebase — Lumei Digital



Jumei Lin

Entrepreneur, Writes about artificial intelligence, AWS, and mobile app. @Lumei Digital