Guide101: Voting in the Philippines in 2022
On May 9, 2022, more than 65 million Filipinos will be able to decide the fate of candidates for national and local positions, as well as the presidential campaign and the future of the country.
Following this method will be used by people who vote in the 2022 National and Local Elections, says COMELEC:
Step 1: Checking the temperature before going into the voting center for municipal elections is the first thing to do.
People who want to vote must first have their temperature taken and checked.
Step 2: Go to the Voters’ Assistance Desk and ask for help.
You can find out your precinct number, queue number, and room there.
After that, voters will go to the VAD to get their precinct and sequence numbers, as well as the room or cluster precinct they’ll be in.
Step 3: Go to the Electoral Board in the room where they meet.
Before going to their rooms, voters should go to the Electoral Board and show them their names, precincts, and order numbers.
Step 4: Fill out a ballot with a ballot, a ballot secrecy folder, and a marking pen, then put it in the ballot box.
As soon as they vote, they will get their ballots, along with a ballot-marking pen.
Step 5: Fill in all of the candidate ovals on the ballot. Don’t vote too much.
After getting the above items, voters can go to the voting area to finish their ballot by completely darkening the oval next to the name of the candidate for whom they want to vote. A machine might not accept your ballot if it has any mistakes on it. To avoid this, make sure the ballot is clean.
Step 6: You put your ballot in the machine that counts votes (VCM).
Voters will be told to put their ballot into the Vote Counting Machine when it is done (VCM).
Step 7: Check the voter’s receipt before you put it in the receptacle.
Voters can check their voter’s receipts before depositing them in the box.
It’s time for Step 8. Make a permanent ink mark on the right forefinger nail with permanent ink.
Ink will be permanently put on the right forefinger nails of the people who vote.
It’s important to know and follow the rules for the National and Local Elections 2022 in order to have a healthy and safe National and Local Elections 2022. Keep your head up!