Connect FileMaker to Cloud Storage with fmFlare

2 min readAug 7, 2018


Your FileMaker data file has reached 9 GB! You’re storing lots of large images and documents in container fields and it’s getting harder to backup and restore.

FileMaker 17 is Here!

You’re also risking database corruption in transferring such a large file. What’s the best way to fix this? You can use externally stored container fields. That solves part of the problem of getting the actual file out of the main database file…but it is still time consuming to backup and transfer.

You also can’t just move a copy of the file to a mobile device with FileMaker Go. It’s likely too

large for the storage on your iPhone.

Enter cloud storage services. fmFlare will allow you to connect to the following external file storage services:

  • Amazon S3
  • BackBlaze B2
  • Google Drive
  • Dropbox


  • Reliability — Backed up and restorable safely
  • Accessibility — Via the web or desktop
  • Security
  • Compatibility — Use tools you’re already familiar with

fmFlare Cloud Storage module makes it easy to store all these files on Amazon S3 service or other places where they will be safe, secure, and accessible. You can also switch services if you like and call them the same way without learning a new API or maintaining code to access them.

See the demo below of fmFlare cloud storage.

Originally published at LuminFire.




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