Crystal Basics — How To Use Citrine

Lumin Host
5 min readApr 26, 2023


Citrine is a type of quartz crystal that ranges in color from pale yellow to deep amber. It is a popular crystal in the world of feng shui and is known as the “merchant’s stone” because of its association with wealth and abundance.

Citrine gets its yellow color from the presence of iron in its crystal structure. Some citrine crystals are natural, meaning they formed in the earth with their yellow color, while others are heat-treated amethyst crystals. The heat treatment process transforms the purple amethyst into yellow citrine.

Citrine is often used in jewelry, but it is also used in feng shui and other spiritual practices. It is believed to promote mental clarity, creativity, and abundance, and is often used to attract wealth and success. Citrine is associated with the solar plexus chakra, which is located in the abdomen and is associated with personal power, self-esteem, and confidence.

In addition to its use in feng shui, citrine is also used in crystal healing to treat a variety of physical and emotional ailments. It is said to promote digestion, improve circulation, and boost the immune system. Citrine is also used to treat depression, anxiety, and other emotional imbalances. It can be a helpful tool for those who struggle with depression and anxiety. Whether worn or carried, or placed in your living space, citrine can promote positivity, enhance confidence, provide mental clarity, alleviate stress, and balance emotions, all of which can help to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Here are some ways you can use citrine in your home:

  1. Place citrine in the wealth corner: The southeast corner of your home or office is the primary wealth corner in feng shui. To activate this area, you can place a citrine crystal in the corner or on a table or shelf in the area. You can also place citrine in your wallet or purse to attract wealth and money.
  2. Use citrine to activate the fire element: The fire element is associated with passion, energy, and enthusiasm in feng shui. To activate this element, you can place citrine in the south area of your home or office. You can also use red or orange colors in this area to further activate the fire element.
  3. Use citrine in the career area: The north area of your home or office is associated with career and life path. To enhance your career and attract success, you can place a citrine crystal in this area or on your desk. You can also use black or dark blue colors in this area to enhance the water element, which is associated with career in feng shui.
  4. Place citrine in the center of your home: The center of your home or office is associated with health and well-being. Citrine is associated with positive energy and can help to dispel negative thoughts and emotions. Placing citrine in your living space or carrying it with you can promote a positive mindset and boost your mood. To promote good health and positive energy, you can place a citrine crystal in this area or on a table or shelf in the center.
  5. Use citrine in your meditation practice: Citrine is said to promote mental clarity and focus, making it a great crystal to use in meditation. To use citrine in your meditation practice, you can hold a citrine crystal in your hand or place it on your third eye or crown chakra to help enhance your spiritual practice.
  6. Use citrine in your workspace: Citrine is also a great crystal to use in your workspace to boost productivity and creativity. You can place citrine on your desk or in your workspace to help attract success and prosperity in your career. You can also use yellow or green colors in this area to enhance the wood element, which is associated with growth and creativity in feng shui.
  7. Combine citrine with other crystals: Citrine can be combined with other crystals to enhance its energy and effects. For example, you can combine citrine with amethyst to enhance intuition and spiritual awareness, or with rose quartz to promote love and harmony.

Citrine, like all crystals, can absorb and hold energy. To get the most out of your citrine crystal, it is important to cleanse and charge it regularly. Here are some methods for charging your citrine crystal:

  1. Sunlight: Citrine can be charged by placing it in direct sunlight for several hours. This is a powerful method of charging because sunlight is full of energy and is associated with vitality, growth, and renewal. However, be careful not to leave your citrine in direct sunlight for too long, as it can fade or become damaged.
  2. Moonlight: Citrine can also be charged by placing it in the light of the full moon. This method is particularly effective for enhancing the crystal’s spiritual and emotional energies. Simply place your citrine outside or in a windowsill during the full moon and leave it there overnight.
  3. Earth: Citrine can also be charged by burying it in the earth for several hours or overnight. This method is particularly effective for grounding and stabilizing the crystal’s energies. Simply bury your citrine in a patch of earth, making sure it is fully covered, and leave it there for several hours or overnight.
  4. Crystal clusters: Citrine can also be charged by placing it on or near other crystal clusters. This method is particularly effective for amplifying the crystal’s energies and promoting balance and harmony. Simply place your citrine on a bed of other crystal clusters, such as amethyst or clear quartz, and leave it there for several hours.
  5. Reiki: Citrine can also be charged through the use of Reiki, a form of energy healing. If you are a trained Reiki practitioner, you can hold your citrine in your hands and direct Reiki energy into it, visualizing the crystal being filled with light and positive energy.

Overall, citrine is a powerful crystal that can help you attract wealth, success, and abundance into your life. you can promote positive energy, creativity, and productivity, and improve your relationships and social interactions. By placing citrine in your home or workspace, you can promote positive energy, creativity, and productivity, and improve your relationships and social interactions.

Check out for more crystal tips.

We also have a sister site which gives practical tips on how to incorporate Feng Shui in your daily life.

