How to use astrology to improve your career and financial prospects

Lunar Astro Review
3 min readJan 10, 2023


Astrology is a fascinating and ancient tool that can be used for many purposes, including gaining insight and understanding into our professional lives. Not only is it a great way to understand our natural strengths and weaknesses, but it can also give us an idea of the best times to take action in our careers.

One of the key ways astrology can help us improve our career prospects is by revealing our natural talents and abilities. For example, those with a strong emphasis on the planet Mercury in their chart may excel in analytical and logical fields such as finance, law, or science. On the other hand, those with a strong emphasis on Venus may excel in creative and artistic fields, such as writing, design, or fashion. By understanding our strengths and abilities, we can identify the career paths that will suit us best and lead us to greater success.

Another way astrology can help us in our careers is by giving us insight into the types of career paths that may be particularly challenging for us. For example, if you have a challenging aspect between Saturn and your Sun or Moon, you may find it harder to achieve success in traditional, hierarchical career structures. Instead, you may be better off pursuing more entrepreneurial or independent paths.

Astrology can also provide guidance on the best times to take action in our careers. Astrological transits and progressions can indicate when certain planets are moving in favorable or unfavorable positions in relation to our chart, which can have a significant impact on our career prospects. For example, a positive transit of Jupiter to our Sun can indicate a time of expansion and good fortune, while a challenging transit of Saturn to our Moon may indicate a period of delay or obstacles. By paying attention to these transits and progressions, we can make better-informed decisions about when to take action in our careers.

Astrology can also provide insight into our financial prospects. Our chart can show us our strengths and weaknesses when it comes to handling money, and whether we are naturally inclined to save or spend. It can also help us identify patterns in our financial history, such as whether we tend to have financial windfalls or struggles during certain transits or progressions. By understanding our relationship with money, we can make better decisions and improve our financial prospects.

In conclusion, astrology is a powerful tool that can help us understand our natural talents and abilities, identify the best career paths for us, provide guidance on the best times to take action, and help us understand our relationship with money. By understanding our astrological chart, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and make better-informed decisions in our careers and financial lives.

Now visit the link if you are looking for free sources to learn astrology online



Lunar Astro Review

Lunar Astro Review provides online predictive astrology and predictive nakshatra astrology courses for people who want to learn astrology from basic to advance.