Crypto 101: Seeds & Create / Import an Address

In this article you will learn the basics of a decentralized wallet and understand the process of creating and importing addresses on Lunes Wallet.

Lunes Platform
4 min readJun 27, 2018

How to Create an Account

Open up the Web Wallet using your favorite browser.

Click on Sign up and read the Terms of service carefully. When you have done so, click on I accept.

After register, you log in using your email and password, then you’ll reach the seed generator or importer screen, as you can see below.

Clicking on the “1” you’ll generate a new seed. Clicking on “2” you’ll import this seed and go to the wallet.

As mentioned above, we recommend using the proposed SEED consisting of 12 English words. The total different English terms used for the SEED creation is 2048. This gives us 2048¹² different possibilities — with current technology unbreakable. Each SEED is linked to a unique address shown underneath the proposed SEED in the Privacy tab.

Your seed is cryptographed in the local storage of your browser and remains there until you sign out or clean your browser’s cache.

Account Creation with your custom SEED

If you wish to create an account using your own custom SEED, follow the Import an Account tutorial and enter your custom SEED.

Note: We strongly recommend making use of the proposed SEED. It is cryptographically secure and cannot be broken with current tools. If you still wish to create your own SEED, make sure it has at least 35 characters and uses upper- and lowercase letters as well as symbols.

Import an Account

The brain wallet system used by Lunes allows you to import your account on any device. This feature enables you to access your resources from anywhere on any computer at any time.

How to Import an Account

Sign in on the web wallet using your email and password.

You will be forwarded to the following page.

Copy and paste or write your SEED into the blank text field. If you entered the correct SEED, it will display your LUNES address with your amount correctly.

Check the image above and the text below to know how to write the seed properly:

1 — 12 English words;

2 — All of them in lowercase;

3 — Spaces only between the words.

If your seed doesn’t open up the address you own:

1 — Check if you wrote word by word correctly.

2 — Check if there are unneeded spaces between the words, or in the beginning or end of the seedwords.

3 — Double check if the address of this seed matches with the one you own.

How to Create your own SEED

If you wish to use a self-created SEED for your account, go through the same process as described above and enter your custom SEED.

Note: We strongly recommend making use of the proposed SEED. It is cryptographically secure and cannot be broken with current tools. If you still wish to create your own SEED, make sure it has at least 35 characters and uses upper- and lowercase letters as well as symbols.

Link to the web wallet:

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