Cryptography: How it works | pt.2

This is the second article in the Cryptography series. Let’s teach the essentials of the technical part for the whole community to understand how it works.

Lunes Platform
5 min readJul 16, 2018

Good Password Hashing Functions


PBKDF2 comes from PKCS#5. It is parameterized with an iteration count (an integer, at least 1, no upper limit), a salt (an arbitrary sequence of bytes, no constraint on length), a required output length (PBKDF2 can generate an output of configurable length), and an “underlying PRF”. In practice, PBKDF2 is always used with HMAC, which is itself a construction built over an underlying hash function. So when we say “PBKDF2 with SHA-1”, we actually mean “PBKDF2 with HMAC with SHA-1”.

Advantages of PBKDF2:

  • Has been specified for a long time, seems unscathed for now.
  • Is already implemented in various framework (e.g. it is provided with .NET).
  • Highly configurable (although some implementations do not let you choose the hash function, e.g. the one in .NET is for SHA-1 only).
  • Received NIST blessings (modulo the difference between hashing and key derivation; see later on).
  • Configurable output length (again, see later on).

Drawbacks of PBKDF2:

  • CPU-intensive only, thus amenable to high optimization with GPU (the defender is a basic server which does generic things, i.e. a PC, but the attacker can spend his budget on more specialized hardware, which will give him an edge).
  • You still have to manage the parameters yourself (salt generation and storage, iteration count encoding…). There is a standard encoding for PBKDF2 parameters but it uses ASN.1 so most people will avoid it if they can (ASN.1 can be tricky to handle for the non-expert).


bcrypt was designed by reusing and expanding elements of a block cipher called Blowfish. The iteration count is a power of two, which is a tad less configurable than PBKDF2, but sufficiently so nevertheless. This is the core password hashing mechanism in the OpenBSD operating system.

Advantages of bcrypt:

  • Many available implementations in various languages (see the links at the end of the Wikipedia page).
  • More resilient to GPU; this is due to details of its internal design. The bcrypt authors made it so voluntarily: they reused Blowfish because Blowfish was based on an internal RAM table which is constantly accessed and modified throughout the processing. This makes life much harder for whoever wants to speed up bcrypt with a GPU (GPU are not good at making a lot of memory accesses in parallel). See here for some discussion.
  • Standard output encoding which includes the salt, the iteration count and the output as one simple to store character string of printable characters.

Drawbacks of bcrypt:

  • Output size is fixed: 192 bits.
  • While bcrypt is good at thwarting GPU, it can still be thoroughly optimized with FPGA: modern FPGA chips have a lot of small embedded RAM blocks which are very convenient for running many bcrypt implementations in parallel within one chip. It has been done.
  • Input password size is limited to 51 characters. In order to handle longer passwords, one has to combine bcrypt with a hash function (you hash the password and then use the hash value as the “password” for bcrypt). Combining cryptographic primitives is known to be dangerous (see above) so such games cannot be recommended on a general basis.


scrypt is a much newer construction (designed in 2009) which builds over PBKDF2 and a stream cipher called Salsa20/8, but these are just tools around the core strength of scrypt, which is RAM. scrypt has been designed to inherently use a lot of RAM (it generates some pseudo-random bytes, then repeatedly read them in a pseudo-random sequence). “Lots of RAM” is something which is hard to make parallel. A basic PC is good at RAM access, and will not try to read dozens of unrelated RAM bytes simultaneously. An attacker with a GPU or a FPGA will want to do that, and will find it difficult.

Advantages of scrypt:

  • A PC, i.e. exactly what the defender will use when hashing passwords, is the most efficient platform (or close enough) for computing scrypt. The attacker no longer gets a boost by spending his dollars on GPU or FPGA.
  • One more way to tune the function: memory size.

Drawbacks of scrypt:

  • Still new (my own rule of thumb is to wait at least 5 years of general exposure, so no scrypt for production until 2014 — but, of course, it is best if other people try scrypt in production, because this gives extra exposure).
  • Not as many available, ready-to-use implementations for various languages.
  • Unclear whether the CPU / RAM mix is optimal. For each of the pseudo-random RAM accesses, scrypt still computes a hash function. A cache miss will be about 200 clock cycles, one SHA-256 invocation is close to 1000. There may be room for improvement here.
  • Yet another parameter to configure: memory size.

OpenPGP Iterated And Salted S2K

I cite this one because you will use it if you do password-based file encryption with GnuPG. That tool follows the OpenPGP format which defines its own password hashing functions, called “Simple S2K”, “Salted S2K” and “Iterated and Salted S2K”. Only the third one can be deemed “good” in the context of this answer. It is defined as the hash of a very long string (configurable, up to about 65 megabytes) consisting of the repetition of an 8-byte salt and the password.

As far as these things go, OpenPGP’s Iterated And Salted S2K is decent; it can be considered as similar to PBKDF2, with less configurability. You will very rarely encounter it outside of OpenPGP, as a stand-alone function.

Unix “crypt”

Recent Unix-like systems (e.g. Linux), for validating user passwords, use iterated and salted variants of the crypt() function based on good hash functions, with thousands of iterations. This is reasonably good. Some systems can also use bcrypt, which is better.

The old crypt() function, based on the DES block cipher, is not good enough:

  • It is slow in software but fast in hardware, and can be made fast in software too but only when computing several instances in parallel (technique known as SWAR or “bitslicing”). Thus, the attacker is at an advantage.
  • It is still quite fast, with only 25 iterations.
  • It has a 12-bit salt, which means that salt reuse will occur quite often.
  • It truncates passwords to 8 characters (characters beyond the eighth are ignored) and it also drops the upper bit of each character (so you are more or less stuck with ASCII).

But the more recent variants, which are active by default, will be fine.

Original text under license Creative Commons ShareAlike

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