ICO Report | Mainnet | Block Explorer

Habemus mainnet! The long awaited day arrived!

Lunes Platform
2 min readJun 5, 2018

Hello dear Lunes community.

The long awaited report that you spent the days trying to guess will be released.

Let’s start by talking about ICO and the amount sold. During the more than 3 months of fundraising process, 102027266.65534275 LNS were sold, that is, more than 102 million units of Lunes were acquired through the process of Initial Coin Offering.

Total Quantity of LNS sold per phase:

Whitelist: 26514722.75673808
Pre-ICO: 55813882.32783483
ICO: 19698661.57076984

Total Quantity of LNS sold: 102027266.65534275

Distribution of resources:

The new distribution will follow according to the variables already announced, which are the strategic partners and bounty as fixed values, the reserve fund and the amount for the development team variable according to the amount sold in ICO.

The final result was as follows:

Therefore, officially, our max supply will be: 150.728.537,6150080000 LNS

Congratulations to the minority that guessed correctly. :)


Sunday, June 3, 2018 at 23:00:00 GMT-03: 00, was born the mainnet of Lunes Platform. Marcos, CIO and dev blockchain of Lunes, together with Daniel Checchia, CTO and Tech Advisor, worked consistently in our network throughout the ICO period. After a long period of testing with the community on the testnet, we can make sure that it is fully operational at the moment you are proceeding, with a fast and secure network, we have kicked off our great journey.

Block Explorer:

Get to know the place that makes it possible for any user of the Lunes blockchain to search and browse all blocks of the network, its contents and relevant details.

Click to know: https://blockexplorer.lunes.io/

Lunes node installation script:

Meet the world’s fastest and easiest nodes installation script. Upload your node in seconds with the script developed by Daniel Checchia and the entire community that collaboratively had their participation in the system development and maintenance process.

Installer: https://github.com/Lunes-platform/install_node

Script to auto install Lunes nodes.

Know more about the projects of the Lunes node community:
Tech Blog: https://medium.com/lunescommunity
Github: https://github.com/LunesCommunity/
Telegram: https://t.me/LunesNodeCommunity

Join us in our social media:

Facebook: https://goo.gl/4J5HDY

Twitter: https://goo.gl/a4o2G7

Telegram English: https://goo.gl/uRSFai

Telegram Portuguese: https://goo.gl/CENLwu

Discord: https://discord.gg/2zpywNW

