Lunes ICO is finished! Distribution of Tokens.

Lunes Platform
6 min readMay 31, 2018


Hello dear Lunes community!

On May 30, 2018, the Lunes ICO finished. Over the next few days we will publish the second edition of “The Journey”, where we talk more about this final line of the fundraising.

We would like to thank all who participated in our ICO! It was more than 2 months of learning, struggles, and victories. Starting from scratch and getting where we are now is a source of great pride and the fruit of a lot of dedication and commitment from the Lunes Team. We started our community with very few people and every day we grew and grew; sometimes others even attempted to discredit us, but today Lunes is already a solid project in Brazil and the world. We had the pleasure of meeting some members of our community in our first event, Blockspot Latam. Being able to share the energy they emit and hear personally what they think of the project was fuel for the whole team. Realizing all the work we’ve completed over the past year since Lunes was conceived was extremely rewarding for everyone involved. Our ICO was only the first important step that the project will take, and we have many plans for the future and we will rely on the unity of the community so that we can move forward with each passing day towards an increasingly decentralized and prosperous future.

Throughout this article you will understand how we will proceed in this post-ICO period.


June 01 — Finalize the internal mapping of the supply.

June 02 — Finalize the mainnet and block explorer.

June 03 — Publication of The Journey: # 2.

June 04 — Publication of our ICO report, rise of the mainnet, the block explorer and presentation of the genesis block.

June 06 — Begin token distribution and the process of requesting the receipt of the tokens for your wallet in the mainnet.

June 08 — Presentation of the new roadmap.

June 15 — Completion of the distribution process for ICO participants.

June 16 — Delivery of Wallet Web with basic functions (Send, Receive and Lease) on Lunes.

July 30 — Finalization of bounty distribution.

Internal mapping:

We will start the process of the internal adjustments to supply, which will be proportionally equal to the number of tokens sold. These adjustments will be passed on to our Lunes blockchain developers who will proceed with mainnet completion and prepare for the genesis block creation. Subsequently, these proceedings will be published in a report on 4 June.

Mainnet and Block explorer:

Developers will make final adjustments and perform the final network tests before uploading and creating the genesis block. Coupled with mainnet release we will launch the Lunes block explorer. Through the block explorer you can track all the Lunes sent and received as well as transaction fees made on the network and some other features, such as checking the list of the 50 or 100 largest addresses holding Lunes.

The Journey: # 2

In the second article in the series, we will share a bit of the team’s Lunes journey. In this edition we will provide details regarding our first event, the Blockspot Conference Latam, in São Paulo, as well as other team and community accomplishments. Each edition in this series is very special to us because it is our space where we can share some of our daily emotions with the community.

ICO Report:

In this document we will present to the community a holistic breakdown of the ICO, with a well an easily-understood detailed structure of our whole process from the whitelist to ICO. Additionally, it will include other details regarding supply and creation of the genesis block.

Genesis Block:

Along with the ICO report, we are going to publish the address that leads directly to the Genesis block; a process visible to all directly in our blockchain. Consequently, the mainnet and block explorer with their complement of functions will already be enabled for the public to explore and learn more about the Lunes network.

Distribution of tokens:

The token distribution process will kick-off with a tutorial offered to the community that explains the request process to receive the tokens purchased for your address. When accessing our platform users will have access to the interface that allows creation of a wallet. As part of this process, a seed will be generated that only the user will have access to, so we emphasize the importance of saving it. This seed is usually a phrase made up of English words. An example of a 12 passphrase seed: MAP TELEVISION BORING CONTROL PAPER WOOD KEYBOARD BOTTLE DESK ADDRESS CASE MOBILE. With these words in-hand, users can recover wallets and their balance in the event of a problem. It is very important that users back up this seed phrase in a safe place. Loss of this seed could result in the loss of your Lunes! Next to the seed a generated Lunes blockchain address will be visible, and using that address users can access the full history and balance of their wallet, which can be verified in the block explorer. Users will then be prompted to transfer their purchased value to the new address and the Lunes team will process the transaction immediately. Does everything seem too confusing? Do not worry! We will provide a complete tutorial for this procedure and our team will be available to provide in-depth support.


As we did not reach the soft cap, the roadmap will require adjustments. The new roadmap will be delivered to the community on June 8, with the processes all well detailed. It is important to note that all products and services will remain on the roadmap; the only changes will be the delivery dates.

Web Wallet:

On June 16th we will deliver the Web Wallet with basic functionality, which is the sending and receiving of coins as well as leasing to the network nodes.


Following the close of the coin distribution process on June 15, we will begin the bounty distribution process. We are finalizing the counting of community rewards that was shared on Lunes Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, Youtube among others and removing several people who tried to circumvent our policies to earn more than allowed. We have already identified multiple fake profiles and are eliminating false and duplicate entries from the system. It is important that they keep the same email registered in our mobile wallet for android system as the distribution will be made through it. If by any chance you need to change the mobile wallet registration email or you want to provide the web wallet email, contact the team via the telegram or send a message to the user @sikeolem. Watch out for scam artists, make sure you’re talking to someone on our team!


We are in constant contact with exchanges interested in listing Lunes on their platforms, whether Brazilian or foreign. At the moment we have confirmation that Lunes will be listed on GetBTC but we do not have a definite date since it is a process that requires a lot of technical and legal processes. All confirmations of new listings will not come from the Lunes team, but from the exchanges themselves, since most of them require us to sign a NDA, so it’s up to us to wait for the official announcement. Together with our marketing sector we will always be in search of new partnerships so that they can know more about our project.

Thanks to all who have accompanied us on our journey to this point. Your help and support is very much appreciated. Our journey is long and we are counting on you!

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