The Journey #1

This is the first article of a series that will present the Lunes team’s journey.

Lunes Platform
3 min readMay 9, 2018

Hello Lunes community!

With each passing day we are getting closer to the end of the ICO, there are 21 days to go. We are working as never before, since the end of pre-ico processes have intensified more and more and we are holding firm and always striving to progress. As we have recently reported, we have brought new advisors, set up our office, and other advances such as the expansion of the team, mainly of developers, which has been our main focus in the team internalization process.

Part of the team together in the devs’ office.

What started as an empty room, today is already full of devs writing codes and programming in the most diverse languages. Besides the local team, which meets every day in our office, we have members spread throughout Brazil, from north to south. The Lunes family is already composed of more than 30 people working day and night to deliver what has been proposed since the beginning, real solutions to the daily life of the population using the blockchain.

Together with the team we have the advisors, who were chosen in the most judicious way possible to join us on this journey, not only giving advice and tips in a certain area, but being with the team on a day-to-day basis collaborating with the progress of the project.

Steve Ni (left) and Lauro Botelho (right).

On May 7th we announced the arrival of Steve Ni, our finance advisor, yesterday he has already met with Lauro Botelho, our trade advisor, to discuss strategies and work to prospect new markets for Lunes, the Asian at the moment.

The journey ahead is long and hard, but as we have spoken since the beginning of the project, we are ready to face whatever it takes to achieve our goals. For this walk we count on you, members of the Lunes community, who are every day following our progress and helping as you can.

Our advisors together in Thailand.

Do not forget that we are in ICO yet, you can buy our token for $ 0.08 each, with a 20% bonus. For those who do not know how to join the biggest blockchain project in Latin America, click the link below:

Read our whitepaper:

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