The Journey #2

This is the second article of the series in which we talk about the day to day of Lunes and its team.

Lunes Platform
5 min readJun 4, 2018

Hello dear Lunes community!

We have no other way to start this text without thanking each of you who are with us on this journey. Sharing our evolution with you is a source of great pride, knowing that you have helped us in a variety of ways, through suggestions, constructive criticism, etc., is the reason we arrived where we arrived, it motivates us even more to develop and deliver the best products and services in the market. Every detail, from the creative process of idealization to delivery, had as objectives the moments that continue our history, the next months in which we will contemplate the roadmap. The trend from now on is for the community to grow as Lunes grows, but know that all of you who have accompanied us to the present moment will be eternally special.

Lunes logo in the entrance hall of our office.

The ICO finished 4 days ago, since then we are working on various internal adjustments and improvement of the development process. The next few weeks will be full of commitment and news for the community. The team’s agenda every other day has become fuller and more productive. Many new contacts, partners, events, in short, you can expect a lot of news in the coming weeks. We would like to share many things with you now, but you have to wait for the right time. Wait, we promise it will be worth it.

Lunes Team in Blockspot Latam 2018.

In the last week of May we participated of Blockspot Latam 2018, the first event in which Lunes participated. More precisely on the 28th and 29th of May, we went through an unprecedented and incredible experience for everybody in the team, we had the opportunity, between presentations and stands, to get to know and approach several excellent projects in the world of cryptocoins and blockchain, approaches that will bear fruit in the near future.

Lucas (CEO), Lester (Lunes community member) and Felipe (P.O.) in our stand at Blockspot Latam.

With a very crowded stand, we had the opportunity to present the project to many people from inside and outside Brazil, in addition to being able to personally meet several members of our community and this was extremely gratifying for us. Personally listening to your heartfelt impressions about Lunes and the team was something so delightful that it gave us even more strength in our journey. We want to meet many more of you and present the project to even more people, so Lunes will be present at other important national and international events and conferences.

Felipe Mendes (P.O.), Felipe Escudero ( Youtube Partner — BitNada) and Felipe Matheus (COO), in our stand at Blockspot Latam.

End of ICO

And then it was over, our fundraising process to make the whole project viable came to an end. Between Pre-ICO and ICO were 125 days of hard work, serving you in social networks, seeking out dissemination partners, studying the national and international market, among other activities, of course, the development of the first deliveries of the roadmap.

Now with ICO finished, we will begin the process of distribution of tokens and deliveries of our products and services.

Although most already know how we will proceed with the end of ICO, it is worth recapitulating.


June 03 — Publication of The Journey: # 2.

June 04 — Publication of our ICO report, rise of the mainnet, the block explorer and presentation of the genesis block.

June 06 — Begin token distribution and the process of requesting the receipt of the tokens for your wallet in the mainnet.

June 08 — Presentation of the new roadmap.

June 15 — Completion of the distribution process for ICO participants.

June 16 — Delivery of Wallet Web with basic functions (Send, Receive and Lease) on Lunes.

July 30 — Finalization of bounty distribution.

Aristide (member of Lunes community) and the Lunes team.

It’s really difficult to put into words everything that we felt and passed in this final moments of ICO, even more if we consider the entire process of fundraising. We are sure they would give good books and movies. We hope, from our hearts, that you have felt at least some of the emotion we felt while writing this article. Those who know the project the longest know how hard we worked to get there, how many barriers have been imposed on us, how many difficulties we faced and how many people discredited us. We prove the opposite of everything negative that has come our way and today we can say that we succeed.

Lucas(CEO), Elton (CBO) and Adriana (CFO).

We count on all of you to achieve our mission, which is to bring this new evolution of technology to the whole world population in an efficient, uncomplicated and accessible way. We see the blockchain as a response to the centralization of power, restoring autonomy and freedom to individuals.

Thank you all.

With love,
Lunes Team.

Take a look on more remarkable pictures for all of us:

Final moments of the ICO, with part of the team in the office.
Adriano, Aristide and Gustavo, members of Lunes community, visiting and knowing the stand and the team.
Lunes’ totem at Blockspot Latam.

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