3 min readJun 28, 2024
  • Dinar Guru Awards: 5 Reasons Why They Don’t Work & What You Can Do About It

The concept of Dinar Guru Awards has gained some attention in recent years, often promoted as a way to recognize and celebrate the most influential figures in the Iraqi Dinar investment community. However, these awards have garnered criticism and skepticism. In this article, we’ll explore five reasons why the Dinar Guru Awards don’t work and provide practical advice on what you can do about it. Dinar Guru

1. Lack of Transparency

One of the primary issues with the Dinar Guru Awards is the lack of transparency in the selection process. The criteria for nomination and the identities of the judges are often undisclosed, leading to suspicions of bias and manipulation. This opacity undermines the credibility of the awards and raises questions about their legitimacy.

What You Can Do About It:

  • Demand Transparency: Advocate for a transparent selection process by calling for the disclosure of judging criteria and the identities of the judges.
  • Verify Sources: Be cautious of information from sources that lack transparency. Cross-check facts with reliable and independent sources.

2. Promotion of False Hopes

The Dinar Guru Awards can perpetuate false hopes and unrealistic expectations about the revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar. Award recipients often make bold predictions about imminent windfalls that rarely materialize, misleading investors and encouraging risky financial behavior.

What You Can Do About It:

  • Stay Informed: Educate yourself about the realities of currency investment. Understand that high-risk investments, like the Iraqi Dinar, are speculative and not guaranteed to yield significant returns.
  • Consult Experts: Seek advice from certified financial advisors who can provide objective and informed perspectives on investment opportunities.

3. Encouragement of Groupthink

These awards can create an echo chamber where only popular or dominant voices are heard, discouraging critical thinking and diverse perspectives. This groupthink can lead to poor investment decisions based on incomplete or biased information.

What You Can Do About It:

  • Diversify Information Sources: Engage with a wide range of opinions and analyses. This will help you form a more balanced and well-informed view of the investment landscape.
  • Question Consensus: Don’t take consensus opinions at face value. Analyze the reasoning behind popular views and consider alternative scenarios.

4. Financial Exploitation

Some recipients of the Dinar Guru Awards use their newfound prestige to promote seminars, subscription services, and other paid content, which can exploit investors’ hopes and fears. These services often provide little value and can lead to significant financial losses.

What You Can Do About It:

  • Be Skeptical of Paid Services: Be wary of paying for investment advice from award recipients. Research their track record and the value they provide before committing any money.
  • Focus on Free Resources: Many reputable financial insights are available for free. Utilize free resources from established financial institutions and educational platforms.

5. Lack of Accountability

There is often little to no accountability for Dinar Guru Award recipients who make incorrect predictions or provide poor advice. This lack of accountability allows misleading information to proliferate without consequence.

What You Can Do About It:

  • Hold Gurus Accountable: If a guru makes a prediction that doesn’t come true, don’t be afraid to call them out. Public accountability can help maintain a higher standard of advice.
  • Support Reputable Experts: Favor experts and advisors with proven track records and who are transparent about their methodologies and the risks involved in their predictions.


The Dinar Guru Awards, while seemingly a way to recognize influential figures in the Iraqi Dinar investment community, have significant drawbacks. By promoting transparency, staying informed, seeking diverse perspectives, being skeptical of financial exploitation, and demanding accountability, investors can better navigate the complexities of currency investment and make more informed decisions.