How to Run multiple Versions of NodeJS with nvm

nvm use v10.x.x

Lương Như Toàn
4 min readMar 6, 2019
Run multiple Versions of NodeJS with nvm — node version manager: nvm use [v0.11.12]

Use multiple node Versions by using nvm — node version manager: nvm use v10.x.x

WHY: Easy to switch between multiple node versions

When you are a NodeJS developer and you develop/run multiple applications on the local machine, this is a problem that you might have definitely encountered. This problem has become worse since new features are pouring into NodeJS and you have to keep up with the flow. For example, say you have currently few applications running on NodeJS version 4.x.x and you need to go for ES6 features using NodeJS 6.x .x. At this moment, you need both of these applications running on top of different Node.JS versions without using containers such as Docker in your local machine.

WHAT I want:
Upgrade my node version from v8.4.0 to node latest version (v10.15.3). But I can easily to switch back to the old version (by using this command: nvm use system)

HOW: Install multiple NodeJS Versions with NVM
Then use command nvm use v10.x.x to switch between installed node versions

1. Check current node version

node --version
Check current node version

2. Install nvm [if it’s not installed]

check nvm whether installed or not

To install or update nvm, you can use the install script using cURL:

curl -o- | bash

or Wget:

wget -qO- | bash

To verify whether nvm has been successfully installed

Run the following command which should output nvm if it has been correctly installed

command -v nvm

More info check here:

3. Install any node version you want then switch between them

nvm install node OR nvm install v10.15.3

To install the latest node version

nvm install node # "node" is an alias for the latest version

To install the specific node version

nvm install v8.4.0  #this will install 6.14.4
nvm install v10.15.3 #this will install 10.15.3

List available node versions to install

nvm ls-remote

To check node versions are installed

nvm ls

To use a specific node version

Once the node version is installed, you can switch to it anytime by running the following command.

nvm use v10.15.3

To switch to the old node version (system)

If you want to use the system-installed version of node, you can use the special default alias “system”:

To Switch to the old (system) Node Version: nvm use system
nvm use system        #in my case my system node version is v8.4.0
nvm run system --version

To run a script app.js on any installed NodeJS version, you can run the command:

nvm run 8.4.0 app.js

You can also run it as:

nvm exec 8.4.0 node app.js


My Name is LuongNhuToan. I’m a Hungry Solopreneur, Full-Stack Software Engineer passionate about turning ideas into real products. Hey YOLO! (You only live Once).

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Lương Như Toàn

Hungry Solopreneur, Software Engineer passionate about turning ideas into real products. Hey YOLO! (You only live Once). My Blog: