PinnedLuisa Ortiz PérezinJSK FellowsPor amor al periodismo‘Bush Flowers’ de Raelene Stevens, artista aborigen australiana contemporáneaMay 25, 2023May 25, 2023
PinnedLuisa Ortiz PérezinJSK FellowsFor the love of journalism* Trigger warning: contents of this post could trigger memories or unpleasant feelings. Please be kind to yourself and avoid the paragraphs…May 19, 2023May 19, 2023
Luisa Ortiz PérezMe quedo con la comunidadSon las 10 pm en California, 11 pm en la Ciudad de México y hoy es 2 de junio, día en el que se celebraron Elecciones en México. Hoy no…Jun 3Jun 3
Luisa Ortiz PérezA woman is never neutral“Imagine working while you are constantly checked out, being looked at like a piece of meat”, Ksenia SvetlovaMay 13, 2023May 13, 2023
Luisa Ortiz PérezinJSK FellowsLa salud mental es acciónDiseñar herramientas para que las y los periodistas cuiden su salud mental y su bienestar ha sido mi tarea como fellow del programa JSK de…Mar 6, 2023Mar 6, 2023
Luisa Ortiz PérezinJSK FellowsMental Health is an actionThis year as a JSK Journalism Fellow at Stanford I have been concentrating on designing tools for journalists to care for their mental…Mar 2, 2023Mar 2, 2023
Luisa Ortiz PérezinJSK FellowsJust keep flowing“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation,Dec 13, 20221Dec 13, 20221
Luisa Ortiz PérezHome bound? Create your own yoga retreat at homeI have been browsing the Internet, looking for a yoga/wellness retreat in the Tri-State area. I thought of how much I was prepared to pay…Jun 1, 2019Jun 1, 2019
Luisa Ortiz PérezNostalgia de un México que no es másEstoy viendo La Casa de las Flores con una fascinación casi enfermiza.Aug 15, 2018Aug 15, 2018
Luisa Ortiz PérezMédicos que odian a las mujeresEsta semana me sometí a una intervención quirúrgica programada. Llevábamos mi ginecóloga y yo observando los miomas crecer y ocupar…Aug 12, 2017Aug 12, 2017