Choosing Jesus over distractions

Lu Skerdoo
2 min readNov 30, 2022
Photo mine

Today I read From the November 30 “Jesus Calling” devotional:

It states that we should not weigh ourselves down with responsibilities that aren’t our own.

And don’t try to always FIX everything yourself.

Instead we are to Ask HIM to show us what is truly important.

Psalms 32:8 “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.”

In the story from Luke 10:38–42 Martha was complaining to Jesus about the fact that Mary, her sister, was just sitting there at Jesus’s feet. Meanwhile Martha was actually doing all the work of having Jesus in their home. Martha was rushing about (as He spoke) and she was making things JUST SO for this visit.

I can relate to this.

Growing up, My mom (as Diana Pippin can tell you…) taught me very well how to do just this. Always making things JUST SO. (And making the rest of us a tad nervous.)

And yet later on in my life my mom also taught me about the “ONE THING” that truly mattered in life. She told me the “ONE THING” that is the most important thing. And that One Thing was:

“what would I do with Jesus?”…



Lu Skerdoo

Let not your ❤️be troubled. I am Happy to be in the Chicken Soup for the Soul Book ~Miracles and the unexplainable~❤️😊