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My New Year's Resolution 👇🏼

Lu Skerdoo
2 min readDec 29, 2022
My photo of a cr*ppy bench

Some days life’s decisions are very easy to decide …

But if you see a bench like this ☝🏻☝🏻

Make it a point —


  • Choose your friends carefully
  • Keep them close to your heart and Treat them well
  • As they’re a blessing from God —


Never take them for granted. (That is My resolution)

(And, no, this isn’t going to rhyme)

🎉Happy new year to everyone reading this. 🎉

I appreciate you and have had a wonderful time this year of 2022 on Medium.

Thank you for taking the time to read my silly stuff and my serious stuff.

And for taking the time to make a comment and clap 👏 and for highlighting.

You are appreciated more than you know.

May GOD bless your new year beyond your wildest dreams.

My photo

Let not your heart be troubled,

Lu 💜



Lu Skerdoo

Let not your ❤️be troubled. I am Happy to be in the Chicken Soup for the Soul Book ~Miracles and the unexplainable~❤️😊