Luthfi Ilham
2 min readSep 28, 2022

Gontor – Historically, prior to building the new Jami' Mosque, Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor (PMDG) already had an old mosque (Masjid Pusaka) which was located east of the Madrasah Building and right in front of the current office of the Leader of Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor (PMDG). This Heritage Mosque cannot accommodate the increasing number of students. Although efforts to expand the Heritage Mosque have often been carried out, they have not been able to accommodate the increasing number of students. During congregational prayers, especially Friday prayers, the congregation widens to fill the village room, the village setting and the southern courtyard of the mosque.
After going through long planning and calculations, finally in 1967, after the Five Winds of PMDG commemoration, a mosque construction committee meeting was held which was also attended by the three PMDG Trimurti. On December 16, 1970, excavation of the foundation began on an area of ​​1960 m2, and construction began in 1969. And on March 4, 1978 the Jami' PMDG Mosque and its minaret were inaugurated by the second President of the Republic of Indonesia, H. M. Suharto, in conjunction with the PMDG Half Century Gratitude Celebration. .
Right on Monday, September 19, 2016 since the laying of the first stone by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Joko Widodo, this new tower has begun construction, with a total construction cost of 15.5 billion rupiah, and construction was completed on February 28, 2019. The new tower is designed to be twice as tall as the previous tower. The old tower which was built in 1977 is only 45 meters high, while the new tower is planned to reach a height of up to 90 meters even though in reality the tower was built with a height of 82 meters. In addition, this new tower is also equipped with a three-story base building covering an area of ​​​​11 x 11 square meters. The first floor is projected for the Gontor TV office, the second floor is used for Radio Suara Gontor FM, while the third floor is used as a PMDG Public Relations room.