Unconditional Love

luv leela
2 min readMar 5, 2019


What is unconditional love? Want to know about unconditional love and searching for the best unconditional love blog then check out our blog to find everything about unconditional love with the explanation.

Whenever we hear the term unconditional love then suddenly few questions come to our mind. What is unconditional love? Does it exist in real life? We will find all the answers in this article. In addition to that, we will also explore all the intricacies related to it. So let’s begin.

What Is Unconditional Love?

The common answer to that question is — uncorrupted love which doesn’t ask anything in return. Many people here this answer and then they ask questions like — what is the difference between loving someone unconditionally and being a doormat? If you want answers to this questions then you must forget the classical definition of unconditional love. Now let me give you a new definition — Love which is strong and genuine enough that it makes our relationship last throughout our lifetime is unconditional love. The real problem is people are labeling their infatuation, lust or compulsions as love. My point is if the love is real then it must last throughout our life. Some sophisticated people will say that my love is real but I have to break my relationship because of my personal ambition or something else. I want you to understand that love is not a privilege. It’s a responsibility.

