AI Image How-To — #28

Stormy clouds above an object! — secrets revealed!

Sweet Chaos
4 min readApr 26, 2023


A young, angry girl on the playground with a storm cloud above her head.
Girl — Midjourney and me

Surely you’ve seen the cartoons of an angry child with a storm cloud brooding above their head. But, have you wondered how you could create it?

It’s not difficult to work into the prompt and I tested the wording different ways.

Note: Each of these images were created with Midjourney V5.

AI, however, has a little difficulty with this and it took several generations. (I had all kinds of crazy images for the queen bee that I abandoned…some looked like they were consumed by a cloud tornado. LOL We have a simple bee below.)

For the image above, I started the prompt with the girl (3 year old girl), added the clouds and the position where I wanted them (miniature cumulonimbus cloud above her head,) then descriptions of her and her location (angry, playground.)

To get the type of image I was going for, I added the art style I wanted with by Pixar animation, by Disney.

Prompt for image above:

3 year old girl with miniature cumulonimbus cloud above her head, angry, playground, by Pixar animation, by Disney --v 5



Sweet Chaos

Tickling your senses through fiction writing while shocking you with the outcome! Nothing is as it seems!