Ageist Evolution, Why We Sleep, and Nerd Theology: Lux Recommends #72

Lux Capital


By Sam Arbesman, PhD

Welcome to Lux Recommends #72, the newest edition of what we at Lux are reading and thinking about (and want to receive this by email? Sign up here).


Why Evolution Is Ageist: “Genetic mutation changes from adaptive to dangerous after reproductive age.” — Bilal

An ancient memorization strategy might cause lasting changes to the brain: “Using the memory techniques of the pros alters patterns in brain activity, new research says”— Adam K

Nerd theology: Academic article by Kevin Kelly from 1999 on being godlike in science and technology and how to think about this. Prefigures some of his thinking in his recent book The Inevitable.Sam

The History Of American Alcohol Consumption, Charted: “Not surprisingly, there’s a sharp drop in alcohol consumption from the 1920s to early 1930s thanks to Prohibition.”— Adam K

Welp, humanity had a good run: Humpback whales organize into mysterious ‘super-groups’: “Of course, that didn’t stop people on Twitter from wildly speculating about the whales’ real motives.” — Adam K

And a “beautiful striped iceberg” —Adam K


Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders: Fast paced, first full novel by short-story compilation king George Saunders. What happens when melancholy honest Abe loses son and encounters a graveyard of fascinating ghosts each with their own story of letting go. The book is amazing. But I am having the double pleasure of listening to the audiobook while reading. It has 166 different famous actors lending their voices! From Nick Offerman to David Sedaris to Ben Stiller to Susan Sarandon to Julianne Moore and Bill Hader. How clever! — Josh

Wonder Women by Sam Maggs: “Wonder Women is a collection of stories of 25 women doctors, mathematicians, spies and forgers, writers, soldiers, inventors, and other pioneers in STEM, not just in the United States but all over the world.” (more on the book and Q&A with author here) — Adam K


Slow West: recommended to me by a Lux LP. A love story modern Western — four words that normally immediately turn me off — that is fast-paced and told through quick character encounters and filled with transient life, quick death, and a great line that hooked me: “In a short while…this will be a long time ago.” — Josh


Veep: So timely. So good. — Adam G

Chef’s Table Season 3: Take a look at the Picassos of food. — Adam G


Intact genome from one particular mouse embryonic stem cell Adam G

Why do we sleep?Adam G

Eel vs. Octopus, Then Eel vs. CameramanAdam K

Genetic Engineering Will Change Everything Forever

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