Allow Yourself to Drop Out of School and See What Happens

K. Joia Houheneka
3 min readDec 4, 2019

Sometimes the best career path is the one nobody expects.

Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash

When I told my parents I was dropping out of grad school (after seven years, hundreds of thousands of dollars invested, and only my dissertation left to complete…) — honestly, I don’t think they knew how to respond.

It was a choice people wouldn’t have expected. Especially if they were only looking at the surface level of my previous track record.

I was the girl who had always been good at school. I had been among the top of my class in both high school and undergrad, so advancing on to graduate school seemed like a logical progression.

And, admittedly, there was a lot I loved (and still do!) about academia and life as a professional intellectual.

What’s more, the truth is I had never really considered an alternative career path.

And that was precisely the problem.

A Wider Range of Possibilities

Have you ever gone along making important decisions about your life and career, not because of any deep reflection about yourself and your unique potential, but simply because it’s what everybody takes for granted as “success”?



K. Joia Houheneka

Exploring the highest reaches of human nature. Creating: The 7+ Figure Luxury Entrepreneur Society, Club Elevate+Aspire+, FLOURISH^n, elevate10, & Delve Travel