AquaBills — Water billing Managment Sytem

Lwazi Ncube
2 min readFeb 22, 2024



AquaBills a web application inspired by another project I encountered, aimed at simplifying water billing management.

While exploring various projects, I came across a water billing management system that caught my attention. Recognizing the potential to improve upon its features and usability, I embarked on the journey of creating AquaBills. My goal was to streamline water billing management processes, drawing inspiration from the project I encountered, and ultimately making life easier for both administrators and consumers.

What AquaBills Does

AquaBills streamlines the entire water billing process. With just a few clicks, administrators can manage customer accounts, track water usage, and generate accurate bills. Meanwhile, customers can easily view their consumption data, make payments online, and access billing history.

How I Built It

For the frontend, I opted for React.js and Chakra UI to craft a clean and user-friendly interface. Embracing TypeScript, despite its challenges, added an extra layer of reliability, ensuring fewer bugs and smoother development.

On the backend, simplicity and flexibility were paramount. Hence, I selected Python and Flask. These frameworks provided the perfect foundation for the backend logic, allowing for efficient development and maintenance.

When it came to authentication, I recalled the enjoyable experience I had with Appwrite while using it with Python. As a result, I decided to integrate Appwrite, an open-source backend server, to handle authentication seamlessly. This choice not only simplified the authentication process but also enhanced the overall security of the application.

The Journey

Building AquaBills wasn’t always smooth sailing. I encountered my fair share of challenges along the way — from wrestling with TypeScript errors to grappling with the intricacies of integrating Chakra UI components like the login form on the Drawer and connecting it with Appwrite.

One of the major hurdles was the scarcity of TypeScript tutorials tailored to smaller projects like AquaBills. Some say TypeScript should only be used for big projects, but how will one learn it if they avoid using it in small projects?, I firmly believe that tackling it head-on, even in smaller projects, is crucial for skill development. Despite these challenges, each obstacle served as a valuable learning opportunity, contributing to my growth as a developer.

What’s Next

While AquaBills is already making waves, there’s always room for improvement. In the future, I plan to enhance the user experience, add new features, and continue refining the application based on user feedback.

Get Involved

I’m thrilled to share AquaBills with the world, and I’d love for you to be a part of it! Whether you’re interested in contributing, providing feedback, or just giving it a try, there are plenty of ways to get involved.

Check out the AquaBills GitHub repository to learn more and get started. And don’t forget to connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Telegram — I’d love to hear from you!



Lwazi Ncube

Exploring the limits of the mind.