My name is Léon

Benjamin Colussi
3 min readFeb 25, 2020


© Bastien Deschamps

My name is Léon, I’m 18 years and I’ve been practicing Pak Mei with my Sifu Benjamin for more than 7 years now.

Being very athletic since my childhood, I’ve always wanted to practice a martial art. In 2011, during my first year of high school, my little brother talked to me about Pak Mei and showed me some moves he had previously learned which made me follow him to my first class.

When I trained for the first time, I wanted to learn to fight but I didn’t have any knowledge in martial art, I had done a few years of Judo and Krav Maga in the past , but never felt that it could help me in my personal development. When I went to my first Pak Mei class I didn’t really know what to expect from it. However as I saw the complexity and efficiency of the style I was immediately seduced and started training. For a few years I trained wishing to obtain a good level but without really putting enough effort in my work.

During these years I developed the rigor that allowed me to progress and grow in my training as in my personal development. After 4 years of practice I started lion dance and thanks to the rigor I had obtained during my years of training I was able to attain a good level in little time. At this moment I understood that I could progress a lot in Pak Mei as well.

During all this time I always wanted to train even if it’s often frustrating, we don’t feel that we’re good enough. I thought that I wasn’t able to reach a level that would satisfy me. However after each training even though I wasn’t quite satisfied by my level, I knew that I had learned something and that week after week my training would make more sense. Following my progression I understood that to attain my objectives I needed time, motivation and more importantly to be true to myself. We often believe that we are doing our best but often you can go much further. Pak Mei showed me when I was actually giving my best in an activity and when I was not.

© Bastien Deschamps 2016

In the end, it was after 5 years of practice that I started understanding how to train efficiently in order to get results.

After all these years of training, Pak Mei helped me a lot to mature through the training, I understood that it’s with hard work and perseverance that our efforts are rewarded. I then applied what I learned training to my everyday life. The mentality I developed with Pak Mei allows me to accomplish myself on a personal level, from my friendships all the way to the studies that I am currently following. In sum, Pak Mei and its practice allows me to get closer everyday from the person I want to be, whilst being surrounded by an inspiring, close and motivating martial family.





Benjamin Colussi

kung-fu master | preserving authentic Pak Mei | sharing kung-fu’s culture & matured knowledge Learn more & connect at