Book Recommendation: Crime Book 101

2 min readMar 17, 2024


The deepest mind of humans is scary, you can never know how deep it is even if it’s your mind, and everybody really has dark matter floating around their chest and just wait for the very right time to explode.

Crime Book 101

The story revolves around Dakota Sorensson, a brilliant young profiler with a complex mind. He teams up with Sam Danson, a young detective, to solve numerous terrible cases involving gruesome murders and serial killers. Dakota’s deep analytical skills allow him to understand human behavior, even deciphering their thoughts from the slightest body movements. Despite his lack of empathy, he can perceive how people think and see into their minds through his cold, penetrating gaze.

As they delve deeper into the investigations, the mystery surrounding Dakota’s birth slowly unfolds, revealing shocking truths about those closest to him, particularly his mother. The story is thrilling, exciting, and filled with mysteries to be solved. Readers may uncover revelations they never imagined before within the pages of this book.

This is getting darker and full of mystery, unsolved crimes, and unthinkable results, it’s full of nerve-cracking, get ready for the worse than you can even think about.

This Crime Book 101 is fully written by a worm, with lots of analytic skills and consideration, not just some simple words combined into one, just check this out.




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