Find Someone To Talk With.

2 min readApr 29, 2024


I understand the feeling of being deeply down and exhausted by life, with seemingly no one to turn to, no one seeming to care or have time for you. Everyone has their struggles, making it difficult for them to support you. I’ve been in that place where you want to cry out but fear burdening others with your sadness, afraid of spreading your despair. The last thing you want is to see others saddened by your pain. I’ve been there, and I’ve encountered people like that too.

Opening up to someone, even if they’re strangers is crucial. In my experience, talking to strangers can be liberating because you can be your authentic self without judgment. I know the facade you wear, the mask of a smile you put on to reassure everyone that you’re okay, that nothing’s wrong. I’ve worn that mask too, and I regret not being able to truly listen to someone I cared about who needed it. Now they’re gone, and I wish I had been there for them.

Everyone harbors secrets they’re hesitant to reveal, ranging from financial struggles to health concerns, from relationship complexities to feelings of love and hate. Speaking about these issues can be cathartic; it’s a chance to release the burdens weighing on your heart and express them openly. But what if you can’t?

Many keep their secrets locked away, fearing the shame of exposing their vulnerabilities, and their fragile hearts. They suffer silently, unable to share their inner turmoil, enduring sleepless nights and tearful moments hidden from view. Despite appearing as the happiest person in the world, spreading smiles and love, deep down, they bear unseen thorns piercing their hearts.

Seeking someone to confide in is crucial, whether it’s a friend, neighbor, or even an unlikely confidant like an enemy. Yet, not everyone can do so due to the fear of societal judgment. The weight of potential shame and scrutiny can prevent individuals from opening up about their struggles and vulnerabilities.

I once knew someone who carried a burden in their heart, evident even when they smiled; sadness lingered in their eyes. I regret not being there to hear all their troubles. At the time, I worried that constantly listening to their problems would only make my own life gloomier. I reasoned that I had a life too, and questioned why I should bear the weight of their struggles. But now, they’re no longer here, and I ache to have listened to every word they had to say. I yearn to turn back time and be there for them. Alas, we cannot rewind time. So, while you still have the chance, lend an ear, converse, and truly listen.




Hello there, I'm Chinese born at Indonesia, I love my beautiful country as well as my beautiful ancestor. I enjoy the sunrise and sunset peacefully.