Unit Testing Best Practices in PHP — Writing High-Quality Tests

Mariia Vain 💻
6 min readJun 11, 2023
Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Unit testing forms the cornerstone of any robust, scalable software application. In PHP, PHPUnit has emerged as the de facto standard for performing these tests. This article aims to provide a deeper insight into PHPUnit and share the best practices for writing high-quality tests.

PHPUnit is a comprehensive testing framework for PHP that enables developers to conduct rigorous unit testing, ensuring that individual units of source code function as expected. It provides a robust and reproducible way to verify code functionality, ensuring your software’s reliability and robustness.

  1. Setting Up PHPUnit

Before diving into best practices, let’s set up PHPUnit in a PHP project using Composer. Make sure Composer is installed, and run the command composer require --dev phpunit/phpunit to add PHPUnit as a development dependency. This command makes PHPUnit available in the project.

2. Writing Your First PHPUnit Test

Here’s a basic example of how a PHPUnit test looks:

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

class SampleTest extends TestCase
public function testAddition()
$this->assertEquals(7, 4 + 3);

