Florence died and Gail developed a model for nursing practice that was inductively derived based on her experiences during a time of war how is nightingale’s model classified by most nursing scholars?

MD Lydiabilodeau
2 min readJun 20, 2024


Florence Nightingale’s model, often referred to as the Environmental Theory, is a foundational pillar in the nursing discipline. This model, which she developed based on her extensive experiences during the Crimean War, is classified by most nursing scholars as a grand nursing theory. Grand theories are broad and complex, providing a comprehensive framework that guides nursing practice, education, and research. Nightingale’s work exemplifies this classification due to its wide-ranging influence on the principles and practices of modern nursing.

Nightingale’s Environmental Theory is inductively derived, meaning it is based on systematic observation and experience rather than deductive reasoning from established theories. During the Crimean War, Nightingale meticulously observed the conditions that affected soldiers’ recovery, leading her to emphasize the importance of a clean, well-ventilated environment in promoting health and preventing disease. She posited that environmental factors such as fresh air, clean water, adequate nutrition, proper sanitation, and a quiet, peaceful setting are critical to patient care and recovery. These observations were revolutionary at the time and laid the groundwork for the holistic approach to nursing care.

Most nursing scholars recognize Nightingale’s model as a pioneering effort that shifted the focus of nursing from mere custodial care to a more scientific and methodical practice. The Environmental Theory underscores the nurse’s role in manipulating the environment to enhance patient outcomes, which remains a central tenet of nursing practice today. By emphasizing the interrelationship between the environment and patient health, Nightingale’s theory encouraged nurses to adopt a proactive approach in patient care, focusing not just on treating illness but also on creating optimal conditions for health and recovery.

Moreover, Nightingale’s model is classified as a grand theory because of its broad applicability and its influence across various aspects of nursing. It provides a comprehensive framework that can be applied to numerous settings and patient populations. Her emphasis on observation, data collection, and analysis also laid the groundwork for the development of evidence-based practice in nursing, highlighting the importance of scientific inquiry and empirical evidence in informing nursing care.



MD Lydiabilodeau

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