5 Reasons Lympo Will Change The Sports Habits Of Regular Users

Lympo Business Blog
5 min readMar 29, 2018

Lympo is an ecosystem aimed at improving people’s health and fitness. A lifestyle app, it will create opportunities for people to control their personal data and use it for own improvement. Here, we present five benefits that active users will receive from Lympo.

Motivation To Keep Working Out

There is no doubt that regular workouts are highly beneficial. Yet, for most of us, it is extremely hard to stay on track. A lot is going on in our lives, and fitness seems to be the first thing we tend to eliminate from our priorities. How do you stay motivated, if there are so many excuses available? There are plenty of ways for it, but one of the most successful is rewarding yourself after a workout. It can be anything — from a sweet treat to an episode of your favorite TV show. But the most valuable reward — at least as perceived by our brain — is that which holds monetary value. With Lympo, you get exactly that. Syncing your fitness apps and wearables with Lympo allows you to receive tokens for achieving goals. LYM tokens then can be used to buy goods and services in its marketplace. Thus, a reward that doesn’t take the money out of one’s own pocket and keeps them motivated can be obtained. Plus, being a long-term project, Lympo will allow developing truly sustainable sports habits for people around the world.

A Healthy Community

As humans, we are a part of a big community. There has been a lot of research on the way being a part of the community makes us feel. All of it shows that we crave for a sense of belonging. In our social settings, we have plenty of smaller and bigger communities — at work, at home, in your neighborhood, city — you name it. Now, do you consider yourself a part of your local gym’s community, too? If you answered positively, then you probably have no trouble sticking to a workout regime and have plenty of buddies that help you stay motivated. Unfortunately, not all of us are this lucky. If we start working out and don’t have supportive people around us, we start coming up with excuses until eventually stop exercising at all. We noticed this issue and are working hard on creating a community of professionals and amateurs that will be here for support. What’s extraordinary is that the support will come in various forms — in some cases, it will be professional advice, in other — a friendly competition. The most important, yet, is the fact that all users will get a chance to become a part of that community, therefore establishing healthier habits.

Tailored Workouts

More often than not, all the excitement we used to experience during our first workouts is replaced by boredom. It is also beneficial to change things up for improvement, too. By combining different workouts, we not only get more excited about them but get to train different muscles, thus developing better overall results. However, mixing and matching things is not the easiest thing on the planet. Not all of us can access personal trainers that will do the work for us. Similarly, most of us don’t have enough knowledge to pick the workouts that are best according to our bodies. Lympo solves this problem by bringing personal trainers and big data on board. Users will be able to use the tokens to buy services from certified personal trainers. Additionally, all the data gathered from previous workouts will be assessed to make tailored advice. Together, this will allow picking the workout that suits the user best and helps to stay motivated. Plus, it will minimize the risk of injuries that come from lack of knowledge while trying out new sports.

Digital Health

In 2016, around 56% of smartphone users had mobile health apps on their devices. Now, add up all the wearable technology available in addition to the apps. You will probably agree that it is safe to say that most of us digitalize our health data in one way or another. Yet, have you ever thought about what to do with all the information? Surely, we can pat ourselves on the back for walking those 10 000 steps. Or consuming the perfect amount of calories. Or running 5K a day for a month. But is that it? Certainly not. Based on one’s activity records, it is possible to make plenty of suggestions for further improvement. Be it muscle development, dietary improvements, or achieving new goals that seemed unachievable before. By systematically processing the data and using knowledge of health and fitness professionals, Lympo will be able to offer its users tailor-made advice. This will allow for constant progress and will make workouts much more beneficial for user’s health.

Working For Improvement

One of the greatest fitness trends coming up in the future is functional training. Unlike usual workouts, the purpose is not solely to work out — it is to improve your daily life. Think strengthening your muscles so you can carry your children around like it’s no big deal, or improving balance to make tying your shoes easier. It is aimed at making everyday actions easier, yet professional knowledge is essential here. Lympo’s interactive ecosystem will allow matching those daily needs with people that can help achieve improvement. Seeing improvement in everyday life will thus act as great motivation to keep going forward, while also significantly improving one’s health.

A Healthy Lifestyle For Everyone

It is a known fact that active lifestyle is essential for our health. However, there are plenty of reasons not all of us are able to exercise that. Understanding the complexity of the issues, Lympo has developed an ecosystem to tackle the main problems. Whether it’s lack of knowledge, motivation, or money — Lympo will help to overcome those problems and help its users to live a healthier lifestyle easily.



Lympo Business Blog

Lympo is building a sports NFTs ecosystem including NFTs with IP rights of world-famous athletes and clubs