Strength in Numbers

Lynda D. Mallory
2 min readAug 4, 2018

I love the saying “there is strength in numbers”. It took me a while to really believe this as my life has had ups and downs and I felt alone…especially after going through my divorce. I have two wonderful children who are now 17 and 10 and although they were there, I felt no one in my peer group could really relate to what I was going through and had been through.

It wasn’t until 2013 (a year after my divorce) that the alone feeling began to life a bit and I could see the world a lot better. Why? Well, I opened my eyes and realized my life had a view and I started a blog with the same name, A Life With A View. After realizing this and putting myself out there and talking about divorce and all that I went through, I realized I was not the only one and not even the only one in my peer group of friends and associates going through the same thing. I found strength in numbers.

Photo by: James Copeland IV

Not long after starting my blog in 2013, I connected with some amazing women and I now feel like I can express myself if I am having a bad day or a good day knowing I won’t be judged for either. My blog centers on faith and knowing your worth and I expand on these topics in great detail. I am also thankful for this space to write and a huge thanks to

for putting this challenge out to write daily for the month of August. Strength in numbers strongly speaks to the connections I’ve made over the years and the stories we share and holding each other accountable to do everything from expressing ourselves through writing and in person through our actions.

I am thankful to

for this space and allowing writers across the world to share on topics of interest to them and others. For more about me, you can find me on social media @alifewithaviewblog and on my website.



Lynda D. Mallory

A writer, blogger, foodie and lover of all things positive.