The Gilded Cage of Egoism — 3

Lyndon S Smith
4 min readOct 5, 2023


Part 3. A Few Ways to Tame your Dragon

A s explained in my proceeding piece ‘The Gilded Cage of Egoism. Part 1’, ones own Ego is the ruling force which drives and strives for everything you think, you want and what you do. The Ego supplanted your real and true self, it took up residence in your heart and exploited your censorious tendencies to seek pleasure and to avoid pain.

Your Ego is so strong and it has the power to trick you into thinking that it is your true self; the Ego is not your true self, it is actually the absolute antithesis and opposite of your true self.

The recognition that the driving force which stands behind the Ego and its perpetual chattering, wants and desires as being not the true self is a profound step forward for you which, indeed, paves the way to freedom.

“This is a work of ages dear friend and it will come in its own good time.”

Take strength and know that during the storm [the ego’s eternal illusions and immersion in the physical world] you can still hang on to that faint speck within you which is the true self which, once seen can never be unseen. This is the time when the true self puts forward her first radiant and effulgent light into the profound gloom, it is the first time that your ear will hear, your skin will feel, your taste buds will taste, your nose will smell and your eyes will see, by degree, and then by a greater degree the truth of it all, but take strength dear friend, you must be patient.

Disenchanted, orphaned, and lost in the world and jaded by the Ego’s eternal promises and continual breaking thereof and, seeing this first-hand, brings forth the first ray of golden light into the dark and sullied heart. This is the first step to becoming truly human and it is a ‘rite of passage’ but this is only the very beginning as the full light of day lays ahead and it is yet only day-break….

“To know what these words mean; to recognise the ego as not the true self and to want to break free of the chains which bind you to the ego is the first revelation.”

We do not have the senses to know the true self yet so, for the time being, the void that you feel in your heart, that lack, that very knowing that there is more is the truth beckoning you forth. And from the dark recesses shall come forth the truth of it all and in the meantime when you are betwixt the lower and the upper, in the twilight between the dark and the light, being neither the right nor the left, not the up nor the down; you must take courage and be vigilant; here are a few rules which you can implement to aid you along the way to taming the ego.

Here are a few ways to help tame your dragon:

1. Avoid taking offense.

2. Release the obsession with always winning.

3. Let go of the constant need to be right.

4. Rid yourself of the desire to feel superior.

5. Give up the insatiable need for more.

6. Stop defining yourself solely based on your accomplishments.

7. Avoid identifying yourself solely based on your reputation.

By following these steps, you can effectively tame your dragon. All my strength to you and push at this, it is all in front of you and know you are not alone. Lyndon S.

