I Talk To God.

Return To Your Wild
2 min readAug 2, 2019


I talk to God…A Lot. And God talks to me. I talk to God in me: flesh of my flesh; bone of my bones; spirit of my spirit. I talk to God in others: the homeless man, the tired mom, the happy child. I talk to God in nature: the trees, the birds, the moon. God talks to me in the storm, in the whispering’s of my soul, in the color that my eyes see, the beating of my heart, the breath of my lungs, the music to my ears, the source of my life.

I see God differently now. God is not some man, father, crowned being sitting high on a throne in the heavens…somewhere “out there” or “up there.” God is right here. God is right there. God is not some angry and vengeful God who is waiting to destroy us and rain His righteous fury down on us if we don’t measure up. God is Love. God is the mother, the father, the child. God is in our cells, in the winds, in the petals. God is the storm, the sunshine, the rain. I hate to even call God, “God” because that even sounds inadequate.

What should I call God? My Beloved, Creator, Lover, Partner, Source, Answer, Mystery, Royalty, King, All-Knowing, I am…? All of these and so much more.

Mystery of mysteries. Curiosities of curiosities. Miracle of miracles. I have learned so much and yet I have so much to learn. And yet, there is newness with each day. New treasures to be discovered. New territory of my own hearts’ landscape that I must explore.

Everything that is lovely is so very simple, yet I over-complicate and overthink so many things. The message I received from God just the other day was this, “If you truly settle long enough to stillness, the waters will reflect what is swimming underneath.” Stillness quiets the waters and the depths can be revealed. Ohhhh…we live in our head space. We live in a very noisy world where everything is competing for our attention. It takes a very concentrated effort to tap into the heart source daily.

Today’s message to my heart revealed that, “Not everything needs to be solved — then it wouldn’t be a miracle.” The miracle isn’t the end product — the miracle is in the process. The rose bud doesn’t strive to open any faster than what the day’s growth brings. The flower doesn’t think, “What am I going to look like? Who is going to notice me? What color am I going to be?” The flower unfurls as the sun keeps steady and the moisture of the soil feeds the roots. It blooms in its own time and delights many along the way.

~Lynna Foster

August 2, 2019

