my - ♡OM Chanting- experience

“Meditation is bringing the mind home.” — Sogyal Rinpoche.

Lynn alhanini
4 min readNov 10, 2023
AUM Chanting, Yoga , meditation

I have known yoga as a sport for a long time, and in a period of two years or less I actually started practicing it, and the more I practiced it, the more I loved it because it helps me relax my muscles and calm my thoughts.

Although I read about energy and chakras and all that, I did not know about “Om Chanting” until two weeks ago and through my friend, she called me and said we’re going out tonight and don’t ask me details, I was a bit suspicious but when I arrived and try it for the first I felt the Hz in my bones I understood that this will make a positive change.

what it means?

It is a hymn that allows you to feel in harmony with nature. It is said to be the original sound with which the universe was born. This frequency is considered a healing energy that cleanses your aura, and can help open the Crown Chakra and removes negative thoughts from your mind, enhances self-confidence and increases concentration thus your path to Self-Realization ِ

“Om” is more than just an invitation to start your practice, Vibrations of OM improve your endorphins level which improves your mood and you feel refreshed and relaxed. Om chanting is not only beneficial for the chanter but also helps to transform our planet, sends out a stronger positive vibration in the surroundings and magnifying the healing effect.

Crown Chakra

every person have 7 main energy centers called chakras that run along their spine, those Chakras are:

Crown Chakra, Third eye Chakra, Throat chakra, Heart Chakra, Solar plexus chakra, Sacral chakra, Root chakra.

The crown chakra, or Sahasrara, is located at the top of your head. Your Sahasrara represents your spiritual connection to yourself, others, and the universe. It also plays a role in your life’s purpose.

The seventh chakra is referred to as:
Crown chakra
The Sanskrit name “Sahasrara” is sometimes used to designate the seventh chakra. It can be translated as “Thousand petals”. The symbol for the crown chakra is a circle or a thousand petals that are white and have rainbow petals.

At the beginning of each session, we gather in the form of two circles, one inner and one outer, and each person faces the empty space. Every 15 minutes, the teacher claps until the inner people change places with the people in the outer circle, so that each person receives his share of the frequencies that give us peace and comfort.

We begin with the opening mantra, which is a speech in Sanskrit

om sri guru namah

om sri svami visvanandaya namah

om sri mahavatara babaji namah(3)

means salutations to the spiritual master, Paramahamsa vishwananda and Mahavatar Babaji.

First, we start Aum — ing We take a deep breath and then exhale all the inner feelings by saying the longest “Au” and shortening “Um” in harmonious rhythm, repeating this for 45 min while closing our eyes and determined to have a personal desire that we would like to achieve healing in.

Our fingers should be in a position where the index finger and thumb touch to seek wisdom,

yoga Mudra
Yoga Mudra

or the thumb touch the middle finger and ring finger to seek healing of the heart.

Yoga Mudra
Yoga Mudra

Finally, we rub our hands together and place them on places on our body that we would like to heal, and I place them on top of our head in pace of Crown chakra to heal it if it’s closed, then we say the closing mantra

lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu (3)

om santih santih santih

sri gurubhyo namah|harih om|

means May my thoughts, words and actions contribute to the true happiness and freedom of all beings in all the worlds.

Om peace, peace, peace, Salutations to the spiritual Master.

open Crown Chakra & closed Crown Chakra

When the crown chakra opens, we gain the ability to see polarities and the reality beyond them, good/bad, right/wrong, etc, and recognize the potential of everything that surrounds us, and blocked crown chakra physiologically feels headaches, migraines, weak memory, nervous system imbalances, poor coordination, fatigue, low vision and sore throat or ear tingling and emotionally feels sadness or anxiety episodes without any obvious reason, lack of desire to communicate and stubborn rejection of the ideas of others.

A view from om chanting class

personally I tried this meditation three times so far and every time I felt relax, receiving and accepting energy of all life so if you feel life gets too serious turn off for a while and reconnect to your roots and nature to get back to your feet.

If you ever tried om chanting before I’d like to know your thoughts about it.



Lynn alhanini

writing articles at my free time . tech and business are my interest, I write in both Arabic & English, I'll be happy if you followed me, Thank You