Saw Thursday

Our autism journey

Lynn Browder
3 min readApr 9, 2021

Pizza, Owen had pizza yesterday. I think pizza may become my all time favorite food ever. Maybe it’s enough to just like the word. That one word has brought me so much incredible joy. My sweet baby O is blooming right before my very eyes. Yesterday he answered my question “what did you have for lunch” with pizza. The win column was already full with the response alone but today his teacher confirmed he had pizza. When I read her words telling me in fact he did have pizza I immediately burst into tears of joy. My boy told me he had pizza. When I picked Owen up from school today his teacher had him tell me what he had for lunch today. He said, “spaghetti”. As the day wore on I asked him what he had for lunch. Without prompting he answered, “spaghetti”. One word again brought tears running down my cheeks and my heart bursting with joy. Two days in a row he told me what he had for lunch. I’ve waited his lifetime to hear him tell me. Being able to tell me something that happened outside of the moment we are in is amazing. It will give him more opportunities to express himself and help with his communication skills. Thinking about this conversation with my son brings tears of joy once again crashing down my face. When I picked Owen up from school we went to his therapy sessions. He had speech, occupational therapy, and physical therapy. The trees were dropping their tiny white flowers and the wind was throwing them everywhere. He said, “the weather’s so bad it’s snowing”. I was excited about the connection he made to snow but I also heard the words that have caused him stress. He worries about not going to school because of the weather. His school was closed due to bad weather numerous times in the last few months and I would tell him he couldn’t go because of the weather and having him look outside with me to show him why. I love the connection he made but I think about how many meltdowns the weather caused him. I’m going to focus on the beautiful, beautiful progress he is making instead. His language skills are increasing rapidly and it’s helped by the fact that he asks Siri to translate more words for him into other languages. Each day his world is opening more and more and his skills are increasing right there with it. He ate his dinner with me, singing Humpty Dumpty in German, and I thought today is a good, good day. Never give up on the hope of tomorrow. What feels like the impossible can become possible if you keep believing. Owen is talking, answering questions, and having conversations with me. That is all answered prayers. Positive words and positive actions equal a positive life. Smiles to all and donut daze!



Lynn Browder

I am on a mission to spread autism awareness, compassion, love and understanding. I have a twelve year old son, Owen who has autism. Love music and comedy.