New scientific discovery about Stonehenge.

Lynnclaire Dennis
8 min readJust now


What was it actually for and how is it connected to Mereon?

Photo by K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash

When ancient wisdom & modern science combine, something extraordinary comes out of it. It was also the case of investigation of what Mereon Matrix and Stonehenge have in common. Sit back and get comfortable, because this will be a fascinating read!

“Seek the sound that never ceases. Seek the sun that never sets.” Rumi

Reading that quote everything in my being felt Rumi knew how to dive deep, and was still flowing beside me, moving with the frequencies that generate the light that shows us the way. I experienced harmony and tranquillity while walking through the stones at Avebury. The same energy was present in ancient caves carved with geometry high above the raging seas near Cape Town. At Stonehenge in the middle of the night with a Native American elder, I was unable to sit still and had to move.

Doing so, I felt this song weaving through through the stones. Wisdom. Pure. Simple. And yes, it's complex. I’d long known this knowledge wasn’t new, nor was it mine. For me, it is the why, the who and what we are, knowledge that’s been scrubbed out of our memory, lost or forgotten. If I could hear and see it, it also seemed reasonable that someone else had rediscovered it and chosen to hide it.

On my first return after stepping into and being spun through the revolving door that connects living and ‘next’, I knew music connected everything. I had no idea that science had long affirmed the presence of a pattern of Patterns, a vibration that connects our bodies, hearts, brains, and every cell in our being. Once I learned to read and write, I began writing and reading the works of poets who wrote about a song of songs, a harmony where we are the chord in a solar song that’s accompanied by a choir of stars.

And God said, “Let there be light.” Genesis 1:3

Hearing a Music so sublime that it could only be a Love Song, opened my mind to the realisation that what creates and regenerates life is vibration. The Music of the Spheres moves your energy and spins your spirit in an eternal dance, a Love Song that itself is a symphony that defies description. Like a rainbow, this ‘nothingness’ is both real and true, its inaudible sound pulses your heart, an invisible pattern of light that connects every cell. It is a Love whose exquisite beauty is palpable, each tone a unique hue that colours your inner world, and the world we share.

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

An Overture

All this is a prelude to an experience I am excited to share! While every day is full of surprises, last week was unique when best-selling author and researcher extraordinaire, Andrew Collins, reached out to connect. The reason? A curious connection that he has found to Mereon and one of the most famous Neolithic sites created by our ancestors, Stonehenge. So, what is the link to the supposedly modern science found in Mereon, and one of the wonders of the world, the best-known prehistoric monument in Europe?


After many rounds of email, and a long phone call, with Andrew’s permission, I’m sharing a few exceptional excerpts from an article he just published.

Stonehenge: A Universe in Stone

Part Two: A Sonic Pattern of the Universe

“In part one we saw how the production of sound might have been a key component in the design of Stonehenge. We saw also how its layout appears to reflect the use of a unit of measure equaling 9 imperial feet (2.74 meters), while various of its individual components conform to a decagonal geometry based upon both the regular dodecahedron and the small stellated dodecahedron. If these surmises are correct, then how might Stonehenge’s underlying geometry relate to the monument’s potential role as a sonic temple?

Excerpt 1

The Primordial Sound

To understand how Stonehenge might have functioned as a sonic temple it is important to understand the sound component thought to have accompanied the coming into being of the physical universe. John G. Cramer, Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of Washington took the measurement data from the Plank Space Telescope, which has also been monitoring the cosmic microwave background, and converted the energy frequencies into audio sound; this being available to listen to online.

If the re-creation of this primordial sound of creation has true scientific merit, then one cannot help but think of Philolaus’s concept of a ‘divine harmonia’ as well as the ‘Musica Universalis’ proposed by Plato, and afterwards expounded upon by the likes of Johannes Kepler and Robert Fludd.

Photo by Priyank V on Unsplash

Excerpt 2

Cymatics: Visualising Sound

Whilst pondering these thoughts I looked online and found that in 2018 my colleague J.J. Ainsworth had suggested a relationship between the creation of sound and the generation of a dodecahedral structure using cymatics. This is the manner that the geometrical structure of sound frequencies can be made manifest using such mediums as iron filings, salt, flour, smoke, and water.

Wave Frequency

In an article on the Durrington Shafts and their possible role as sound resonators published in 2020, engineer Rodney Hale and the present author showed how a unit of measure equal to 144 feet could have been employed in the measurements both of Stonehenge and of Durrington Walls, as well as in the geographical relationship between the two monuments.[18] The distance, for instance, from the centre of Stonehenge to the centre of Durrington Walls as defined by the placement of the 20 known pits encircling it, is ideally 10,368 imperial feet [3.16 kilometres), which is 72 x 144 feet. The diameter of Durrington Walls itself is ideally 1440 feet (440 meters), which is 10 x 144 feet.

A wavelength equal to a length of 144 feet corresponds to a vibrational frequency of 7.815 Hz, hinting at the fact that the Grooved Ware People responsible for the creation of Durrington Walls and Stonehenge were aware of some hidden property surrounding this measure and perhaps even a connection with sound wavelengths. Exactly half of 144 feet is 72 feet, a figure that can be applied to many of the measurements in the Stonehenge landscape. For instance, the henge at Stonehenge has a diameter of 360 feet, this being 5 x 72 feet, while that of the Aubrey Holes is 288 feet, which 4 x 72 feet. The distance from the centre of Durrington Walls to the centre of Stonehenge is, as we have seen, 10,368 feet, which is 144 x 72 feet, while the diameter of Durrington Walls is ideally 1440 feet, which is 20 x 72 feet.

Photo by Martin Martz on Unsplash

I strongly suspect that a unit of measure equal to 72 imperial feet was important to the builders of Stonehenge. This seems especially so in the knowledge that 72 is 8 x 9, with multiples of both 8 and 9 clearly figuring in the monument’s layout and design, and perhaps even within the Altar Stone. When standing its wide face could well have preserved units of measure equaling both 8 feet and 9 feet — see part one of this article. Perhaps not unconnected is the fact that Philolaus saw a 9:8 ratio in music as evidence of his concept of a divine harmonia, a conviction strengthened by the knowledge that a 9:8 musical interval equals one complete tone.[19]

A wavelength of 72 feet reflects a vibrational frequency of 15.63 Hz, very close to the 15.71 Hz resonant frequency determined by Hale in connection with the Durrington Shafts. So did both 7.815 Hz and its first higher harmonic of 15.63 Hz relate in some manner to the dodecahedral shape of the universe as well as the primordial sound of creation?

Excerpt 3

The Mereon Matrix

I put the matter to John Stuart Reid, inventor of the CymaScope, a cymatic instrument that enables the visualization of sound frequencies within fluidic mediums. For more information click here.

He suggested I investigate what is known as the Mereon Matrix. This is the name given to a complex geostructure under investigation by a transdisciplinary team of scientists who are exploring relative to the works of Plato, Kepler, and the American architect, engineer, and futurist, R. Buckminster Fuller (1895–1983)

The team were able to calculate the Mereon Matrix’s primary frequency as 7.97 Hz. This, of course, is close to the 7.815 Hz suggested by the repeated use of a unit of measure equivalent of 144 feet in connection with the layout of Durrington Walls, Stonehenge, and the relationship between the two monuments. A value of 7.97 Hz is close also to the 10 Hz resonant frequency determined in connection with Stonehenge’s layout and design by Dr Rupert Till, Professor of Music in the Department of Music and Drama at the University of Huddersfield.

In 2012, Reid was asked whether he could verify the vibrational frequency of the Mereon Matrix. For this, the CymaScope was tuned to 7.97 Hz and when the amplitude was increased geometric patterns started to appear within the medium of water These then transitioned into every predicted stage of the Mereon Matrix, something that can be watched online.[23]

Amazingly, when the dial was turned 1/100th of a hertz either way of 7.97 Hz the geometrical patterns simply vanished. The success of the experiment showed that extremely low-frequency vibration can create complex wave patterns, something previously only thought possible using much higher vibrational frequencies.

Synchronizing with the Primal Cause

The immediate importance of these findings in connection with Stonehenge’s role as a sonic temple featuring apparent dodecahedral geometry is that at the core of the Mereon Matrix is an intricate decagonal structure. This includes the dodecahedron’s four-dimensional analogue form known as a hyper-dodecahedron, inside which are 120 mini dodecahedrons.

The Mereon Matrix team theorises that 7.97 Hz is the vibrational frequency at the heart of cosmic creation, and, as we shall see, there are reasons to suspect they could be right. Even if this proves to be the case, there can be no way the builders of Stonehenge were aware that the primordial sound of creation resonated at a frequency of 7.97 Hz.

Click this link to read Andrews's paper in its entirety.

It’s time to demystify the mysteries, and learn to unclip your natural wings so your spirit can soar! It is time for your voice to be heard and for your light to be visible! Join us and reclaim the birthright that’s been passed to you across millennia.



Lynnclaire Dennis

Lynnclaire Dennis: Natural scientist, author, artist, co-founder and Visionary of The Mereon Legacy CIC, a nonprofit Community Interest Company in the UK.