I’m Dreaming of a Pink Christmas

What color are you dreaming of?

Lynn L. Alexander
2 min readDec 23, 2022
Photo from Pixabay

I imagine when most people think of Christmas trees, they picture a green Christmas tree. My family always had a green Christmas tree when I was growing up. However, when we went to my aunt’s for Christmas Eve, her tree was white with blue ornaments. My brother, who lives in Florida, has a weird metal Christmas tree and decorates his yard with a pink flamingo.

I suppose I am wrong and not everyone imagines a green Christmas tree.
This brings me to why I am writing this article. I am not big on Christmas decorations and I live in a small condo; so my only decoration for the past few years has been a lighted, black lantern with a Christmas scene, glitter, and changing light colors.

I don’t know what got into me this year, but I decided that I wanted a mini Christmas tree and it had to be pink, which you probably guessed, is my favorite color. Most of my friends thought this was a cute idea, while one friend told me that it was ridiculous and a Christmas tree has to be green.

I browsed through all the pink trees on Amazon and ordered one; I anxiously awaited its arrival. It came complete with white lights, pink poinsettias, pink ornaments, etc. I placed it on my cherished piano.

I cannot tell you how much joy this pink Christmas tree brings me. I love pink and it makes me happy to see this little tree each day.

Did you know that the color pink was originally a masculine color for boys? Of course, today pink is a color mostly associated with females.

According to the Adobe website,

Soft and pastel pinks inspire feelings of kindness and compassion. Pink is a nurturing, playful, and nostalgic color that takes people back to their childhoods.

On the other hand, on the verywellmind.com website, Kendra Cherry writes,

Green is often described as a refreshing and tranquil color. Other common associations with the color green are money, luck, health, and envy.

All I know is that this tree makes me happy and I am tickled pink that I bought it.

What color is your tree and what colors do you associate with Christmas?



Lynn L. Alexander

Eclectic writer. Ovarian cancer survivor. My interests include humor, health, grief, personal essays and entertainment. Please follow me on my journey.