Angela Treat Lyon
8 min readMay 18, 2023

The secrets every last one of the characters carries are all starting to dribble out, with horrifying consequences. Everyone’s true nature is being revealed.

Freedom in Broad Daylight

I’ve been watching a fairly new show on Amazon called POWER.

You have to know that I don’t watch TV. Not EVER. So it’s pretty near miraculous that I even heard of this show, much less deigned to view it — much less all nine episodes so far!

It’s an excellent show.

The premise, as I have shared before both here on medium and on my blog (angelatreatlyon.com/the-real-power), is that girls are getting a bizarre awakening of power: they can shoot electricity through their hands.

Soft little arcs of pretty zingy light jumping from one finger to the next, or electric power increased to the point of electrocuting someone.

You can imagine how the patriarchy is reacting.

From a few supportive men who think it’s exciting that women don’t have to fear men anymore, to the complete other extreme where all these girls are condemned to various hideous torture and confinement, or even extermination, by men in positions of power.

Men who recognize that their reigns of fear and control of women are over. Done. Disappearing faster than they can imagine.



Angela Treat Lyon

Writer, artist, stone carver, best-selling author, book designer & publisher, radical mindset coach, say-it-like-it-is person