Teotihuacan - city of Ancientncient Pyramids

Chetan Raygor
3 min readJan 20, 2021


Teotihuacan is a vast Mexican ancient city, located northeast of Mexico City. It built by Aztecs. It is city of pyramids of sun, moon and temple of Quetzalcoatl.

Where Teotihuacan is located ?

Location: Teotihuacán, State of Mexico, Mexico
Coordinates: 19°41′33″N 98°50′38″W
Official name: Pre-Hispanic City of Teotihuacan
Area: 3,381.71 ha

Teotihuacan is an ancient city. Which is located in to the sub-valley of the valley of Mexico. which is located at the 40 kilometres northeast of modern-day Mexico City.

History of teotihuacan

Today Teotihuacan is known for the city of many wonderful and mysterious Pyramids, Which were built in the pre-columbian Americas time. It was at its peak in the first half of the AD (1-5 AD).

Teotihuacan was the largest city in the pre-Columbian Americas time. It's population estimated at 125,000 or more, which make it at least the sixth-largest city in the world during its peak. After the collapse of Teotihuacan, central Mexico was ruled by the Toltecs of Tula until about 1150 AD.

Teotihuacan is also one of UNESCO World Heritage Site. The area of city is 8 square miles. And 80 to 90 percentage of the total population of the valley was live in Teotihuacan. Apart from the pyramids, Teotihuacan is also known for anthropologically significant for its complex residential compounds. And the Avenue of the Dead, and its vibrant, well-preserved murals. Additionally, Teotihuacan also known for exporte of fine obsidian tools that are found throughout Mesoamerica in that time.

According to archaeologist The city is to have been established around 100 BC, but major monuments continuously stayed under construction until about 250 AD. Although The city lasted until sometime between the 7th and 8th centuries AD, but also it's major monuments were broken and systematically burned around 550 AD.

Teotihuacan start becoming as a religious center in the Mexican Highlands around the 1st century Ad. It became the largest and most populated city in the pre-Columbian Americas. Teotihuacan was home to multi-floor apartments. They are built to fulfill the requirements of home of the large population. The term Teotihuacan or Teotihuacano is also used for the whole civilization and cultural complex associated with the city.

It is declared as UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987. It is the most visited archaeological city in Mexico. It has visited by 4,185,017 visitors in 2017.

Who Built Teotihuacan?

As per archaeologist the site's visible surface of teotihuacan have all been mapped in detail. But only some parts of it have been excavated.

There are many theory about who Built Teotihuacan, But according to most popular theory Teotihuacan was Built by Aztecs. Today world wide Aztecs are known as the builder of teotihuacan.

Some archaeologist once pointed to the Toltec culture, As the builder of teotihuacan. Others note that the Toltec come far later than Teotihuacan's peak time, undermining that theory. Some archaeologist say the Totonac culture was responsible for building that Wonderful Place.

No matter who is original builders, evidence shows that Teotihuacan become witness of cultures including the Maya, Mixtec, and Zapotec. One theory state that an erupting volcano forced a wave of immigrants people into the Teotihuacan valley. And those refugees either built the city.

But In my opinion, I think people should ask; why Teotihuacan was last so much long time. And what are the reason behind it. Instead of asking who Built the Teotihuacanthan and why it was collapsed ?

Why Teotihuacan Collapse ?

Researchers are trying to find what are the reasons behind the collapse of teotihuacan. But still today it is not clear why Teotihuacan collapsed.

Some estimates tells that around 600 A.D., most of the buildings of teotihuacan were burned and artworks and religious sculptures were destroyed by some forces. Which suggest an uprise of of some elite forces.

Another estimated tells that some invaders sacked and burned Teotihuacan. Though Teotihuacan used its major military power on protection from other cultures. The city lacked in force and military structures to protect itself from elite forces.

This attacks imapact make teotihuacan inhabitant and abandoned till 750 A.D. Most of the people's of teotihuacan join other neighboring cultures. And this way the great mesoamerican city teotihuacan collapse.

For more information please click in Teotihuacan



Chetan Raygor

I am a student of college of Renewable Energy And Environmental Engineering at SDAU, Dantiwada. I am very interested in general knowledge. I am also a blogger.