Fundraising Chapter 1: The One Where I Get Interviewed by a Goddess

Jess - Your Dirty Pen Pal
12 min readFeb 13, 2024


If you are reading this, thank you for finding my first ever public piece of writing. I hope you enjoy! I have big plans for this series and other stories, so please be patient with me as I hone my skills and write stories for you to enjoy.

Chapter 1

“Solana Moreau?”

The quiet voice calling my name pulled me from my nervousness. The extra-large coffee on the trip over had more than the intended effect on me, so much so that I had to ask the petite receptionist for the code to the washroom…twice. I hated how forgetful I was when I was nervous.

“Here,” I replied, my voice cracking like a teenager as I stood.

What am I? A teenager? This isn’t roll call.

I cleared my throat as the receptionist offered me a warm smile, and the non-vocal suggestion to follow her. She turned down a small hallway, and pulled open a large frosted-glass door, obviously straining under the effort.

“You’ll just be in there. Sit wherever you’d like, and they’ll be with you in a moment,” the receptionist said, pointing into the large boardroom, complete with the expected, entirely too large table in the middle of the room.

“Can I get you anything? Coffee? Water?”

“No, thank you though, I’m good. Thanks,” I replied with a warm smile of my own, hoping it masked the nervousness I was feeling. I couldn’t handle another coffee right now. Maybe ever. I could already feel the nervousness making me want to pee again.

The receptionist left with the faintest nod of her head and let the door close softly behind her. I was alone in the boardroom; I could finally have a moment to calm myself away from people.

I stepped towards the large wooden table, black office chairs perfectly placed around it. I slowly walked around the table, hoping to sit opposite the door so I could see my interviewers as they walked in. Six seats took up either side of the table, and one on each end. I decided to take the third chair in, close to the middle, and pulled it out. I didn’t sit though, my nerves not letting me. When I got nervous, I focused. Hyper focused, and the colouring of the wood in front of me pulled my attention. The way the wood had faded, it almost looked like two butt cheeks.

Oh ya…I also get horny when I’m nervous…and instantly my mind betrayed any control I had. Images of me in that exact spot, faceless man on his knees before me, thighs wrapped around his head as he eats me out with such intense focus I swear I am going to melt.

Oh, fuck…don’t stop don’t stop don’t st — WHAT THE FUCK.

I cut the thought of before it can go any further. I need to relax. I take a few deep breaths to calm myself, and although I can still feel my heart racing, I feel better. This wasn’t the time to fantasize about getting eaten out. Fuck I needed sex.

This could be my first big step into adulthood. I had graduated with a marketing degree last year and was eager to find my first “big girl job.” Most of my classmates had found work of some kind, in the marketing field or not. I was just about the only one left it felt like. Even my best friend and basically sister Alle found a cushy job three days after graduating. This was my first interview, and it wasn’t even for a marketing job.

The job was for a Fundraising Officer for a hospital-based non-profit. I had to explain it to an American cousin once…because Canadian health care was “free,” the hospitals didn’t have all the money they needed for renovations, new equipment, research studies…you get it. So this non-profit works to raise money so the hospital can get those things. If I got this job, that’s what I’d be helping to do. Helping save lives, indirectly anyways.

Just breathe…you’ve prepared for this interview all week. You’ve got this.

That had been my mantra for the past three days, and I whispered it to myself now as I paced alongside the boardroom table. Just as I had turned to pace the other way, I heard two voices on the other side of the glass. My nerves flared again, and I scrambled to readjust my outfit. I had bought it just for today, a brown tartan skirt, black tights, and black slip on shoes. The skirt barely covered half my thigh…hence the tights.

The door opened just as I tucked in the black of my simple white blouse, buttoned to the collar. I grabbed the small golden pendant and straightened it on the golden chain around my neck.

This is it. Deep breaths, take it slow.

“Miss Moreau?”

I realized I was in the furthest corner of the room from the door as a short, barely five-foot-tall man walked through the door. He was a bigger man, despite his height, but more like a football player than overweight.

“Yes, hi, hello,” I replied, a little too quickly, scurrying over to the seat I had pulled from the table already.

Behind the man was a gorgeous, incredibly tall brunette woman, but before my eyes could take her in, they fell to the man’s outstretched hand, which I took. His grip was tight, but well practiced.

“Pleasure to meet you and thank you for coming in on such short notice,” said the man.

“Oh, no, please. Thank you for giving me a call. You gave me plenty of time to prepare, and if I’m honest, I did a bit of a happy dance when I got off the phone about the interview the other day,” I said, hating myself more and more for my inability to control what came out of my big mouth.

The man smiled, a warm smile. Not one of humour, but more of a fatherly smile. The woman stepped in beside him, and offered me a warm smile, but didn’t offer her hand to me. It was probably for the best because the sight of her surely made my palms sweat.

“Hello Miss Moreau, it’s a pleasure to meet you, and thanks for coming in.”

She paused on the last word, probably waiting for my reply, but I couldn’t seem to speak.

“I’m Roxanne, please…sit.”

She pointed to the chair I stood in front of, and I sat faster than I had ever sat before.

Roxanne smiled and sat across from me. Her ruby red lips matched her dress, and I could have stared at them for the whole interview, if it wasn’t for the way her hair fell over her shoulder as she turned her head.

“So, Miss Moreau, let’s just get to it. My name is Robert Silver, I’m the CEO of the Permona Hospital Foundation.”

I managed to look at him as he spoke, and I nodded softly as he continued.

“Like I said, thank you for coming in. The timeline to fill this position has been moved forward, and we need to fill this role as soon as possible.”

“Well,” I said nervously. “I’d be happy to help in any way I can.”

“Good, I like that enthusiasm,” said Mr. Silver, his eyes glued to a copy of my resume he held in his hands.

I wanted to reply, but my eyes were drawn to Roxanne again as she scribbled something down on a slip of paper she had brought in. Seeing her small, slender hands, so soft and delicate and perfectly manicured. I swear I could smell the fruity lotion she had —

“…experience as a Development Officer, do you?”

Shit…what did he say?

My eyes turned back to Mr. Silver.

“Um, well,” I stalled, hoping my mind would catch up before panicking.

“That’s okay of course,” Roxanne said.

Oh thank god for this gorgeous woman.

Roxanne continued, “We aren’t looking for someone with extensive donor relation skills for this position. What we are looking for is someone young and eager, to try and relate with some of our younger donors.”

I smiled at Roxanne, wondering if she could read the panic on my face. I said a silent prayer of thanks and turned back to Mr. Silver who had started speaking again.

“Yes, well, that is one of our goals this year, but enough of us speaking…tell us about you Miss Moreau. What makes you stand out from other applicants?”

Me? What makes me stand out? I don’t know, nothing! I’m boring, my love life is boring, I am a 23-year-old woman who prefers staying home on a Friday night doing puzzles that has never had a real job. My love life is bland, and don’t get me started on my mom’s favourite thing to ask me about…my slowly growing pudge.

“Well, Mr. Silver, to be completely honest, I don’t know what makes me stand out from other candidates.”

Don’t be a smart ass.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the barest hint of a grin from Roxanne.

“But,” I continued, seeing what I thought was annoyance flash across Mr. Silver’s face. “What I can say about myself is that I am stubborn as hell, but also know when to bend. If you’ve seen my resume, you’ll notice I worked in a daycare for over nine years.”

My eyes darted to Roxanne for an instant, and I noticed she seemed more relaxed in her posture. Mr. Silver’s expression was empty.

“You learn a lot, working with kids and their parents. One of the biggest things you learn actually is how to deal with the parents first. Sometimes they can be the bigger babies than actual babies.”

Roxanne smiled, but Mr. Silver laughed audibly, a deep rumble in his chest.

“My wife says the exact same thing every year…she’s a Kindergarten teacher. But sorry, go on.”

I took a second to adjust to the new calmness I could feel in the room. I looked to Roxanne; her deep grey eyes focus on me with a hint of curiosity.

“Well, you learn how to give them what they want, while also getting what you want. One parent wants their kid to do this, but another wants them to do that. There’s a delicate balance you have to navigate to keep everyone happy. From what I can tell, that’s a lot like donors. They want to be kept happy and looked after, but they all want different things.”

Mr. Silver nodded at that but didn’t say anything.

“So, that’s where my stubbornness comes in handy.” I chuckled out of nervousness. “I know when to bend a little, to give parents what they want, but I also know that there’s a point where I’ve bent far enough. I know I have no experience directly with donors or fundraising at all, but I know people, and my marketing background would be a great asset, I think, in helping find new fundraising opportunities and reach new donors.”

In my head I imagined that last line as one of those cool mic drop moments. I had been preparing that speech all week, but now, it didn’t feel as good as it did in my head. Especially not with the silence that lingered in the room. Even Roxanne’s ruby red lips and the way she nibbled on the end of her pen as she stared at a copy of my resume didn’t help.

Mr. Silver nodded after an antagonizing long moment, and looked to Roxanne, who looked up from the paper to meet his gaze.

“I think that’s enough torture, don’t you?” she asked, her lips curling into a large smile, the ruby red of her lips parting to show the pearly white teeth I could imagine my tongue tracing those lips. So soft, yet firm and in control, forcing my own lips open with the slightest provocation.

Get your shit together! Fuck you’re horny.

“Um,” is all I could manage before both sets of eyes turned to me, and I knew what was coming. I had high hopes for this interview. I couldn’t say why, but I knew if I could just get any interview that I’d be able to land that job. I guess I was wrong.

“Solana, beautiful name by the way,” Roxanne purred.

There was a calmness to her voice now. A friendlier tone. Or was it almost flirtatious?

It was not flirtatious, you’re about to be told you didn’t get the job, keep it in your pants.

“This interview was really just a formality,” Roxanne said.

“Oh, okay,” I said, holding back tears.

“But…we want to offer you the job!”

Wait, what?!

“Wait, what?!” I asked.

Roxanne laughed, and a giant smile crossed Mr. Silver’s lips.

“I’ll be honest, you’re not the type we would normally want in this role, given your lack of experience.”

There was a pause, but a big, hopefully good BUT was hanging in the air.

“But with the markets as they are lately after the pandemic, Roxanne and I have decided to try things a little differently. Young people just don’t want to give money anymore, so we are hoping you, a young hip adult, can help us with that.”

I cringed at being called hip, and Roxanne seemed to find it funny, or her cute smile did anyway.

“I hope so too sir,” I said, a bit more pride in my voice than moments ago. I still held back tears, but these were of excitement.

The three of us chatted some more and talked about the expected salary, start date, and all the other details my mind had forgotten in its excitement. The pay wouldn’t be amazing to start, but it was a job, and as I worked with more clients, I would bring in more money for the organization and a decent commission for myself.

After nearly an hour in the room, I thanked Mr. Silver again, and Roxanne walked me out the door, but a phone call she had to answer stole any chance at a goodbye. At least I’d be working with her starting next week and would get to see her all the time.

That meant I had six and a half days before I started my first “big girl” job, and I knew who I wanted to tell first.

I quickly checked my phone for the next bus that would get me home, and I had twenty minutes to kill. The cool autumn air was quickly making me shiver as I stepped outside, so I hurried down the street and waited for the lights to change so I could cross.

Today was the wrong day to wear skirt and tights. The wind whipped my skirt all over the place, and I could do little to keep it down. I was certain the guy walking behind me got a good view of my ass at one point…but I was too shy and excited to do anything about it.

The wind stopped as I slipped into a quiet little coffee joint. I was an optimist and found it online a few days ago. It was apparently a favourite of the neighbourhood, and I was excited for it to be right by the bus stop I would use every day…if I had gotten the job. But I did get the job, and this was my little celebratory treat!

“Medium steeped tea, two sugar please.”

I paid for my order, and all memory of this morning’s coffee was gone as I took my phone out of my cross-body bag. Twelve minutes till the bus came. I could make a quick call. Three quick presses, and the phone was ringing for a video call.

A beautiful, smiling, dark haired woman named Alle filled my screen. I had taken her contact image when we went camping over the summer, and I loved seeing her smiling face whenever we called each other.

Alle was my roommate, best friend, confidant, pseudo-therapist, and plenty of other titles she did not get paid enough for. We had been best friends since we were five, and her parents practically raised me after my own mom had died and my dad sort of…

“Hey Sunshine.”

That wasn’t Alle’s voice that had answered. It was a male sounding voice. One I was intimately familiar with. The screen was frozen on the ceiling of my room in the apartment Alle and I shared. Still, I would recognize my boyfriends voice anywhere.

“Hello? Babe?”

The video unfroze, and Hunter was there in my bed, shirtless, the camera right in his face.

I didn’t answer…my body wouldn’t let me. My mind was in stasis. Frozen. But why? He knew where I lived, he had been there plenty of times. I had left him there when he slept over last night, he had waited for me there alone more than once. I even had a key cut for him that I was going to give him for Christmas.

“Sol, are you okay?”

“Hi, yeah…. sorry. Must have frozen there.”

I lied…I knew why my body wouldn’t let me unfreeze. The black hair draped over Hunter’s shoulder. It was barely a few strands, but it had moved as soon as the camera had shown me Hunter’s smiling face. That, and this wasn’t Hunter’s phone. It was Alle’s.

“Why are you answering Alle’s phone?”

The words were more accusatory than I had wanted, but they had their effect. Hunter’s face went white, and I could just barely make out Alle’s voice in a whisper.

“Shit…shit shit shit. That’s my phone idiot.”

The call ended, and my heart was racing.

My best friend and my boyfriend were fucking behind my back.


Thank you for reading the first chapter of Fundraising. Stay tuned for more chapters in the near future. I hope you enjoyed, and please clap, comment, or follow. Love you all! Kisses.



Jess - Your Dirty Pen Pal

Just a girl trying to make her writing dreams come true. Apprentice to Amy Ocean.