Do Boycotts Work as a Movement Against Israel’s Actions in Palestine?

Lysti Rahma
2 min readOct 30, 2023

Social media, especially Twitter, is buzzing with debates about brands allegedly supporting Israel in committing genocide in Palestine. The question arises: can boycotts serve as an impactful tool against actions viewed as a humanitarian crisis?

Photo by Ömer Yıldız on Unsplash

Recent research from Brayden King, a professor of management & organizations, and an IPR associate shows that the success of a boycott hinges on its ability to generate media attention. It’s not just about the number of supporters, but how much publicity a boycott can garner. The most successful boycotts spotlight high-profile companies, potentially prompting change.

Yet, with the rise of anti-corporate activism, companies may choose to “wait it out” rather than immediately responding to boycotts that quickly fade from the news cycle. The fast-paced digital world makes it challenging to sustain a boycott, as attention spans are limited, and the news cycle moves rapidly.

Boycotts in this context serve as a way to express solidarity with the Palestinian cause and keep the issue in the global spotlight. They may succeed in generating significant media coverage, but whether they significantly impact Israel’s actions and policies is still uncertain. Critics argue that boycotts alone may not exert enough economic pressure to bring about immediate change, given the complexities of the geopolitical situation.

The decision to boycott a product or company is a deeply personal one. It comes with its own set of pros and cons, often affecting not just individuals but also employees.

Here’s my perspective on how we can navigate this complex terrain.

Pros of Boycotting:
✅ Expressing Your Values: Boycotting is a way to stand up for what you believe in, whether it’s environmental concerns, human rights, or ethical practices.
✅ Supporting Local: Choosing local brands can bolster your community and economy, which is especially vital in smaller stores where global brands dominate.

Cons of Boycotting:
❌ Employee Impact: Massive layoffs in boycotted companies can have a devastating impact on employees who may not be involved in the decision-making process.
❌ Limited Options: In some cases, local alternatives might not be readily available, particularly in smaller stores, making it challenging to completely avoid certain products.

My approach? I aim to strike a balance. I reduce my consumption of products I disagree with and actively support local brands. It’s about making thoughtful choices that align with your values while acknowledging the complexity of the global market.

Remember, it’s not just about boycotting; it’s about advocating for change and fostering a greater awareness of the impact of our choices!



Lysti Rahma

My pages contain my thoughts and some entertainment discussion.