The Shadow Self

Lysti Rahma
3 min readDec 18, 2021


After moving to Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States, Sanda and I have always spent time together. All activities are fun if done with her. Sanda is a person who means a lot to me. Her maturity makes me calm in living life. Her open-mindedness allows me to see the world from various sides.

I went to art school in America, while Sanda chose to attend the Military Academy. I had a long debate about her decision to select the Military Academy, but her determination was so strong that other people were helpless in front of her.

The day of farewell came, I had to part with Sanda. My sadness was unbearable; I cried in front of her. I don't know whether Sanda's feelings or I'm overly expressive. Sanda didn't care about my crying; for her, my crying was just a passing wind that was made up to get her attention.

I have an extroverted personality; I like being in a crowd with my friends. However, unlike Sanda, she is a sensitive Introvert who can't get along outside. The things she hates most are crowds and people. I sometimes don't understand her thoughts, but I can learn that there will never be any results in putting hope in humans with Sanda's mindset.

The hatred that Sanda meant was not something like bullying but rather a dislike of meeting someone. According to her, meeting someone can make her depressed because she has to try to interact with that person. However, Sanda is a gentle person inside and full of sensitivity.

"You're in love with her, aren't you?" someone said

"You mean Sanda?" I answered

"Yes, indeed who else can I make a candidate for," they said

"I don't know what love is, but one thing is for sure, I will not let it go."

"Letting go?" they added.

"Yes. I can't let it go, even though there are many differences that we meet all the time." I replied

"What if Sanda loves someone else?" they asked.

"Of course, I will be jealous, but forcing her to love me is also a mistake. I don't want to be loved because of a compulsion; I want a love that comes from the bottom of my heart, not the bottom of a lie." I replied.

The togetherness I often spent with Sanda didn't mean I could be with her forever. But the time we spent together made me realize that Sanda also has a heart for me, even though her rude attitude makes me sad, but Sanda is a shadow of the dark side of me that only certain people know.

Sanda is a part of me.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the meaning of the word sanda is a treasure that is made into guarantee in holding the pawn, which at any time will be redeemed. Another purpose of sanda is me (usually used by old authors).



Lysti Rahma

My pages contain my thoughts and some entertainment discussion.