Make America Great Again

2 min readDec 22, 2016


Stop Racial Profiling has released a potentially controversial article “Make America Great Again”, bringing some cause for concern, as the article may upset The Alt-Right came under the coat-tails of Trumps crowd rousing speeches of deportation and racist rhetoric. It is a modernized version of white nationalism tailored for the 21st century.. make America great again

The This Article Is 400 Word In Length article examines the high points and low points of The first warning sign came when Trump’s racists comments became so well received., in the pursuit of providing My Article Aims To Provide a Clear View, a Fresh Perspective an a Unbiased View About This Political Movement. for Consumers Folk Who Follow The News and Politics. In Causing Controversy Is Very Typical For My Site manner though, a certain element of the article is set to spark discontent amongst President — Elect Donald Trump and The Republican Party.

Below is a portion of the piece, which neatly exemplifies the controversial element:

With President-Elect Donald Trump’s shocking win and the ever increasing voice of white supremacy groups, comes an onslaught of racist comments which has gotten several Americans to stop and think. Does the slogan ��Make America Great Again’ entail an ethnic cleansing of the region? Are a hidden majority of Americans racist? stop racial profiling

A spokesperson for Stop Racial Profiling, Pastor Ranches L Hall, says “Of course Stop Racial Profiling never sets out to intentionally upset anybody. The aim of our articles is first and foremost to The Aim Of This Article Is Above All To give a fair analysis of the subject to our readers so they can make their own minds up.. It is critical, however, that we stay dedicated to our true voice.

Although our “Make America Great Again” might unsettle The Alt-Right came under the coat-tails of Trumps crowd rousing speeches of deportation and racist rhetoric. It is a modernized version of white nationalism tailored for the 21st century., our duty is to our readers. We believe it’s more important to it is important for us to give a complete and unbiased view., than to please everyone. Which is notoriously difficult to do.” donald trump

Although there has been no backlash as of yet, the possibility exists as the article they might be upset because the article criticizes scolds President-Elect Trump has already commenced building his wall. He has built the wall of racial division inside America. Americans are no longer blind to someone’s race and diversity. They see it, they hate it and sadly, they want to get rid of it..

Stop Racial Profiling has been a provider of in depth articles in the News and Politics market for The Site Has Been Publishing Article For Three Months.

Stop Racial Profiling has stated the future aims for the website are The Website’s Main Aim Is To Become the most trusted authority on racial Relationships In The World.. So Stop Racial Profiling hopes any controversy will pass quickly and re-emphasizes no offence is or was intended.

Stop Racial Profiling’s complete article can be found at

