Sokolova Lyubov
4 min readNov 20, 2021

Family tree

Hi, my name is Jack and I’m a pirate. "Yo, Ho, Ho, and a Bottle of Rum" is my style of life. Yesterday I saw a beautiful Spanish princess and fell in love at first sight. All night I was singing my cool pirate’s songs to her under her windows. Unfortunately, she didn’t want to listen to words of love. Then I told her: “My love, don’t you see that I’m am your chance for a better life full of adventures. Forget about your inheritance, I will give you all the treasure in the world. We will have our own heritage! We will have a son and call him Jack the second after the bravest person in this world, me! " The princess of my heart responded me: “And what will be the future of our son? Will he also be a pirate? Will he kidnap a beautiful and young aristocrat when he will grow up? " I said: “Why not? He will be in love with the sea and a splendid lady. Maybe she will be like him in characters and they will have adventures together. " "But maybe Jack the second would like to settle down." - my princess was worried. "Okay, then they will put their roots somewhere like Britain and they will have many many children." - I tried to calm her down. “One of their children will definitely become a gentleman. Just think about it! Maybe he will work on Britain’s government and will influence on the history of the whole country! ”- said, my love. However, I’m not into politics and don’t want my great-grandchildren to take part in it. Then another thought came to me “People always fight with each other, the south is usually against the north, the rich are always against the poor. What if in the future children from 2 different fighting sides will start meeting each other? ". The princess was thinking for a few minutes in silence and then said: “Well, love has no boundaries. Just look at us, we aren’t supposed to get married but I’m ready to elope you. So, maybe one day a Southerner and a Northerner will become one family. " “I hope that somebody in our family will be like me in character and will become an explorer. Maybe even someday he will find a New World and will live there. I would name the new land "America" ​​as my siblings' names are Amely and Ricka. " The young lady asked me: “Are there any places left in the world where are no people? ". “Hmmm, if my descendant will meet a Native American he can create a new family with her! It would be so interesting! ". The princess started murmuring and then said: “But how will they survive in the wilderness? Who will do all the work? ". “Hahaha, my descendants are my flesh and blood! Their ancestor is me, Jack, the bravest pirate! Who will work? Slaves will! Yo-ho-ho! " “What a nice plan, darling! I believe they will build a town on a hill! And then an explorer and a Native American will give birth to a boy and he will be a cowboy or a rancher! And I’m sure he will be successful and will marry a showgirl! ”. “It will be funny if in our future family tree will be a priest, just imagine that!” - I laughed. “I can imagine that. Maybe this priest and his wife will give birth to a future businessman ”- said my future wife. I decided to go further "Yeah, yeah, and he will meet a lady, propose to her, they will engage and she will become a homemaker after the wedding." “Now I think about what will happen when a showgirl and her husband will give birth to a girl and a businessman with his wife will give birth to a boy. These children will become adults and maybe someday they will get married ”- said my little dreamer. “And they will give birth to their child. I’m interested if my offspring will take after me in characters. Will we be alike? Will my son be a chip off the old block? ”- I started questioning my future. The princess looked at me and said: “Oh, my brave pirate, I guess we will never know until we try. I will go with you and we will bring up a new generation. ”- said the future queen of my ship. "Promise me that you will marry me tomorrow and we will never get divorced" - I said before leaving my princess. “I promise!” - she said and wished me good night.