Rules for successful demotivation

Lyubov Posvalyuk
2 min readFeb 11, 2024


Sometimes there is a need to fail something like a project, program or career. Here I collected some rules that will bring the desired outcomes.

  1. Search for a person from your family, friends, commune or church for a management position. It is important that this person doesn’t have proper qualification, but keep in mind the absence of specific technical skills and knowledge required to lead a team. For example: If this is a CEO of a Bank then it will be better if this person has zero banking experience.
  2. After such a person is assigned to the role he/she can start making technical interviews with future team members, sometimes their questions surprise future candidates during an interview but don’t care about this particularity.
  3. Let your weak manager argue with more experienced or educated team members, it will demotivate team members even more.
  4. Such a manager should hire team members with higher qualification and extended experience but assign them to regular roles with regular or smaller rates. You can use recessions, covid, or other factors that influence the job market to find such people.
  5. When team members come to tell you about issues in the process or product that increase project costs and this issue increases risk to lose a project, you can listen to them but do nothing, wait until you finally lose a project, it doesn’t really matter that you were informed about issues a few months before.
  6. When team members come to you asking about salary increase, pretend deaf, never react to any message or email about salary increase and wait when they bring you a resignation letter. If this happens you can always talk about the salary bubble on the market and that this bubble will blow very soon.
  7. When team members will talk to you about this weak manager, always defend him/her and bring any arguments. The argument doesn’t matter, no one will check it and no one will trust you because it is obvious how such a manager was assigned.
  8. And I think the most powerful instrument is to create a toxic atmosphere for your team.

It is always a possibility to try new instruments, once I learn something new I will let you know.

