Jay ♋️
2 min readJul 18, 2015

Finally there’s medium on android. Don’t even have the feel to switch on my comp these days, just too lazy. Year 2 is like everything to the last min, unlike in year 1 i did my work beforehand, left my weekends to enjoy. This year, i dont even want to touch work a single bit, at all.

What happened to the desire for bursaries/uni admission, the responsibility to finish work and submit. I guess they are gone LOL. Hectic but non chalant simultaneously. I think, I’m losing faith in education. Starting to believe that all I’ve been learning these years are just on how you should go about doing things, in the science or arts way. This will lead to a higher standard of living etc. What for? For a better future and for a better place to live in the future ( due to technology ).

Exams, used to distinguish between the smarty and the average, hard working people and the idgaf. It’s fair in a sense that it’s the survival of the fittest. What for? For a better life. How bout the non surviving ones. What to do with them?

Why not remove examinations? Then there wouldnt be any way to determine who’s the best and who stands out, who gets a brighter future and who gets the low paying job. Unfair isnt it.

Exams, education. Urgh, idk what to say bout them. Its pointless yet useful. Ironic i guess.

Hahah idk what i’m trying to say at this point as well, so forget it.

How bout faith in humanity then? Lost it too. Even in myself. I thought its ok to sacrifice for people you care, the friends you treasure. I thought it’s not considered to be self centered as long as you try to put others above yourself. But I am still selfish in a sense.

At times I do ask myself why must people be so self centered and selfish to do this and that. It offends me sometimes. I thought to myself, if I myself want them to not be self centered and give in/sacrifice for me, I will be the selfish one instead.

Realised this then, theres no room for empathy in life. You cannot have a gain without a loss. And no one is willing to lose a part of themselves for you, it should always be a fair trade/deal to me, if not its not worth it. Is there any case of unconditional sacrificing? Really? I doubt so.